Interview with StarlightHaven

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1. What are your thoughts on Twilight fanfics?

They're a refreshing take on something that I now think is a bit cliché and sometimes they're written better than the actual Twilight books. I don't mind them that much because with some of them if they had just made up their own characters it wouldn't be a Twilight fanfic instead it would be their own story that they can fully copyright

2. What was the last good story you read on here?

I just read the latest chapter of "The perfect summer had to end sometime" by DazedAndConfused.

3. If you had to choose between 50 bucks and staying off wattpad for five whole years, which one would you choose?

Do you mean give away $50 or get given $50? I think I would chose the option that had the something to do with $50. (haha I don't blame you, I probably would too)

4. What is your biggest pet peeve in stories?

When I just read the first 2 chapters and I know how it's going to end or if after those first two chapter I already have an idea of how it will all end) i like to be surprised, I don't want to be able to guess the ending and be right.

5. What is the name of your story and what is it about?

My story is called "Forgotten Remembrance" Here's the description for it:

It's the middle of Genevieve's (or Fi's as she prefers to be called) final year at Athena West High and since it is the middle of the year, Fi wasn't expecting any surprises, all she wanted to do was lay low for the next 6months and then maybe move to Italy and occasionally visit her best friend - Liz. But life had other plans.

Trying to figure out your past is hard enough but when you have to deal with the annoying Ex-boyfriend and an English teacher who just seems to be trying to hard to get close to you, it can all get a little overwhelming.

Here is a story about learning when it's time to forgive and forget but also when it's time to drag out those forgotten memories and re-learn how to remember them.

6. Do you have any love to hate characters in your story?

Hmm, I don't know yet. There's Skylar but at the moment I think my readers think he's just a massive douche that they wouldn't mind going out with

7. Do you find it a bit conceited to write about yourself in a story?

 In some ways yes I do. However "Forgotten Remembrance" has some of my own experiences and Fi is based on me but only because I didn't write the prologue with the intention of others reading it. I'd hate it if it was all about me.

Bonus question:

*If you could be in one video, whose would it be?

If I could be in one music video I'd pick....

Possibly who Says by Selena Gomez because I love the message the song sends :)

Thanks so much for participating!</pre>

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