Interview with Mon-Liqui

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1. What is the best word to describe you?

I haven't exactly thought that through, but if I have to say something on the spot then I guess you could call me an *understanding* person? 

2. If you had to spend an hour in a dark secluded room with a vampire which vampire would it be?

One that does not have a primal instinct to kill. A vampire that loves to... chat. Lol! (LOL)

3. What do you think about fanfics and the overly clichéd novels disguised as vampire/werewolf novels?

They should get their own category like 'Cliché club' or whatever. I mean vampire/werewolf novels are pretty good to read, but become kind of off putting when it's more about the characters life than anything else. (haha totally agree)

4. If the world came to an end tomorrow what would you want to be your last words?

I wouldn't know, cause it would be unexpected when the world would end. Thinking about my last words would be the last thing on my mind :)

5. Have you ever critiqued someone’s work on here and if you have, did they get mad at what you said?

Yeah I have... Well they haven't replied back to what I said. Lol. So I guess they weren't to pleased.  

6. Do you prefer writing at night, morning, or afternoon?

Whenever words hit me! I've stayed up till 3am

7. What is the name of your story and what is it about?

Whisper to the world: As you live your life, there are things happening. Things that cannot be explained. Would you fall to the ground if you knew you only had a few days to live? That there was something happening around you that was beyond your control? Follow Aubreys guide on how she survives a cruel world that will start commence before your very eyes! Warning: This is not for the faint-hearted.

Ps. It's a suspense novel :)

Pss. I also have a new novel that is a  historical fiction that I'm working on behind the scenes, 'If only the heavens knew'.

Bonus Question:

*What is the last thing you listened to?

Music? Many the Miles by Sara Bareilles.

Haha really enjoyed your answers! :)</pre>

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