Interview with FadedDreams

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1. How did you find Wattpad and what did you first think about it?

I heard about it on another writing site and decided to check it out. It was a little overwhelming at first but now I kind of like that the community is so big.

2. What do you think about parodies, particularly Twilight parodies?

I like parodies, and anything that pokes fun at Twilight (especially all of it's major flaws) is awesome. (Me 2! I especially love Nightlight---The Best Twilight Parody Ever!)

3. Have you ever written a comedy or a parody?

No. I'm a pretty funny person in real life but for some reason I've never been good at writing it. (lol same here)

4. What is your favorite genre to write in?

I write a little of everything but I always come back to speculative fiction. I know I only have a romance story here, but all of my best and most serious work I don't post online because I intend to try and publish one day. Most of that is YA speculative fiction.

5. What do you think is the second favorite genre on here (because we all know the first *Romance*)?

Speculative fiction again. And I very much prefer that over romance, actually.

6. If you had to choose between being on the WHL or featured list, which would it be?

Featured. (Well of course :D)

7. What is the name of your current story and what is it about?

My story is called That's What I Get for Loving You. It's a high school romance, which is very much outside my comfort zone, but it's based on a true story and it's one that needs to be told. It's about a girl named Zoey who doesn't think love is for her, and she starts becoming friends with this guy named Cruz and eventually starts falling for him. The problem is he's going out with someone else. More importantly, he's joining the Marines in less than a year, right in the middle of the Iraq war. Zoey knows it's not a good situation. Cruz belongs to someone else and he could possibly be dead soon. But sometimes your head just can't convince your heart of what's best.

Bonus Question:

What is your favorite 90s movie?

I recently watched Shawshank Redemption for the first time and loved it. (Hmm...never seen but I heard its good. Might check it out.)

Thanks for the lovely answers! xD


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