Chapter Twenty the dinner or date?

Start from the beginning

“Why did you do that?” I asked him glaring at him while he smirked at me looking so darn cute. “You don’t drink wine especially not this wine so I just saved you from choking and embarrassing yourself.” Julian explained smiling looking at the menu not meeting my eyes.

“I wasn’t gonna choke.” I sulked sipping my soda when the waiter placed our drinks down on the table. “Sure you’re not.” Julian mumbled sarcastically smirking, I glared at him until the waiter came back asking us what would we like to eat. “I’ll have the crabs and jumbo shrimps please.” Julian and I said together than glared into each others eyes.

“Your order will be right with you in a moment.” The waiter announced than walked off  to serve some other people. “What’s your problem?” I asked Julian slamming my hands on the table and some nearby people stared at me. “You are my problem Annie!” He whispered shouted back at me his face consorting into anger.

“Why the hell am I?!” I shouted standing up from my chair an our parents looked up at us shocked and so did other people in the restaurant now all meals forgotten. “Because you wear that dress and it makes you look more stunning than ever and I just want to punch that guy for hurting you because you’re so pretty.” Julian rattled on and stopped flushing pink when he realized what he just said.

I blinked and my shoulders fell and relaxed and people cooed in adorableness at Julian and I but I didn’t hear them my focus was on the boy who looked mad at himself. “You really think that?” I asked him softly my eyes softening and he sighed and nodded his head looking up at me with his brown eyes.

“Well now that, that! Is settled why don’t we have my daughter and my friend’s son Julian come up here to sing us a song for interrupting our meals which I’m terribly sorry about.” My father said and the waiter pushed us up there smiling at us while he placed our hot food on the table.

I looked at my dad and than the people who was staring at Julian and I, a ukulele was playing and I turned to see Julian playing it and I began singing.

“I got you in the palm of my hand.Wanna put somethin' hot in you
So hot that you can't stand  (And you can't stand)  Gonna take you to my lips .Empty out every last drop. So thirsty for what's in you, baby. That I can't stop (That I can't stop). “ We sang together and carried on until the end of the song.

Everyone cheered for us and I hugged Julian while he hugged me back laughing, we both took a bow together and waved at them. Than we walked off the stage laughing as our parents hugged us, “Good job you two!!” They said and we laughed at them not taking our eyes off of each other.

We went back to our newly cooked food and ate talking and laughing with each other until we had to go. Finally we got up and our parents paid for our dinner than walked out of the restaurant laughing. As I got in my parent’s car after Julian and his mom left my parents turned to me,beaming.

“What?” I asked them, giving them a confused look.

“How was your date?” They asked at the same time.

I was even more confused, “What date?” I asked them and they rolled their eyes.

“The date with you and Julian tonight.” Mom said and I gasped my eyes widening until they hurt to widen anymore.

“WHAT??!!!” I shouted at them, than fainted.


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