Twisted Disney #18

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Twisted Disney #18 - Peter Pan

Wendy stepped forward onto the plank with her head held high. The sounds of pirates cheered behind her as she stepped forward towards the oceans, leaving John, Michael, and the lost boys behind her on the Jolly Roger. As a tear streamed down her face, her only concern was that the boys would sign with Captain Hook rather than follow her. 

When she reached the end, she stepped off the plank and fell towards the water. Michael crying her name was the last thing she heard before falling towards the water. Just before she was about to hit, a figure swooped down and grabbed her. 

Peter Pan, followed by Tinkerbell, of course, held Wendy in his arms and hid against the side of the ship. He grinned hearing the confusion of the pirates at not hearing a splash before flying to the top of the ship with Wendy and Tink. 

He sat Wendy down and looked at Captain Hook in time to see him throw one of his pirates over the side of the ship. Then, Hook turned around and bellowed, "Who's next?" Peter took this as his chance and flew into the open where the Captain could see him. 

"You're next, Hook! This time you've gone too far!" Peter yelled to the captain. He gasped as he looked up at the boy. A roar of yells saying the boy's name erupted from both pirates and lost boys, everyone shocked to him, Micheal adding Wendy's name of course. Peter pulled out his dagger and pointed it at Hook. "Say your prayers, Hook."

As Hook pulled out his dagger and yelled at Peter, Peter dived down towards the captain. "I'll run him through!" Hook yelled as he jabbed his sword towards Peter. Peter began to fly backwards but never pulling his dagger away from Hook's sword. 

It became a race between the two, Hook making sure the flying boy could not get away from him. Eventually, Hook started to swing his Hook, too, and got it stuck in the wood of one of the beams of the ship. "Curse this hook!" Hook yelled. 

As the captain struggled to get his hook out of the wood, Peter took this as an opportunity to free the boys. He cut the rope holding them back with dagger. The boys quickly ran away and found the closest thing to a weapon they could find before running towards the group of pirates. 

Still struggling to get his hook out of the wood, Captain Hook yelled incoherent things at the boys. The pirates chased them up a rope latter to the birds nest as the captain finally freed himself from the post. 

He fell backwards and ended up on the plank. He fell and just barely escaped the Tick Tock Crocodile's grasp. He climbed back onto the plank just in time to see Peter Pan cut through one of his sails then fly towards the captain, ready to fight again.  Peter stole the feather from Hook's hat and flew up the sails. Hook yelled, "You flying devil!" and Peter took that as a cue to destroy the feather.

  Meanwhile, Smee had packed up his belongings and was about to escape. The other pirates were still climbing up to the lost boys. The boys through random objects at them, hoping to deter them but failed. The pirates reached the top and began swinging their swords.  Tinkerbell tried to stop the pirates but failed, only getting swatted away.

Tinkerbell flew down to Peter who was now back on the deck of the ship fighting with the captain again. She whispered a message in Peter's ear. Peter nodded in response and then flew backwards. He used the ropes of the ship as a slingshot as he sailed through the air and hit the captain, throwing him forward. Hook hit his head on one of the cannons on the edge of the ship.

While the captain recovered from his head injury, Peter noticed the lost boys in their fight with the pirates. He quickly flew up and cut the rope latter down so that all the pirates tumbled into one heap in Smee's boat and the lost boys were safe. 

Peter sailed away and landed on a pole holding up the sails. Hook ran over to a rope latter to the sails. "Fly, fly, fly, you coward!" he yelled up at the boy. The captain quickly began to climb the ropes up to Peter. 

"Coward? Me?" Peter responded. The captain chuckled. 

"You wouldn't dare fight old Hook man to man!" the captain teased as he climbed closer. "You'd fly away like a cowardly sparrow!" Peter Pan looked back down at him with a playful grin.

"No one calls Pan a coward and lives! I'll fight you man to man, one hand behind my back!" Peter yelled at him. He put one hand behind his back and pretended to be fighting an imaginary person. At just that second, Hook reached the beam and immediately began to clash swords with the boy.

Hook got close to Peter so they were almost touching nose to nose, their swords—well, sword and dagger—the only things keeping them from touching. "You mean, you won't fly?" Captain Hook yelled in his face. 

Wendy looked up at them and yelled to Peter, "Don't do it! It's a trap!" Peter ignored her words and looked straight into the Captain's eyes. 

"I give my word, Hook," Peter told him. Hook chuckled, already having the upper hand. He pushed Peter off the beam they were standing on so Peter was only holding on with one hand. The agile boy quickly came back from it, though, and found his footing on some ropes. He quickly got back onto the beam. 

He grabbed hold of a rope and swung around to the other side of the beam. Hook quickly cut the rope, though, so Peter fell onto the pole. They once again began clashing swords on the beam, one getting ahead then easily falling behind in the battle. 

Finally, Hook caused Peter to loose his dagger. He held his sword in one hand and held the dagger with his hook. Hook pushed Peter down so he was laying on the beam with a sword pressed against his throat. "Prepare to die!" Hook yelled at him. Peter began to inch his way backwards. 

"Fly, Peter, fly!" Wendy yelled at him with a concerned face. Peter finally broke his gaze at Hook and stared down at Wendy.

"No! I gave my word," he told Wendy before looking back up at the pirate. Hook grinned evilly with his sword in the air, then he lowered it down and pierced it right through the boy's chest. All the life quickly left the boy's body as the cries of the darling children and the lost boys rang through the air. 

The captain looked at the children in the crow's nest. "Now who's the codfish?" he asked the children before he and his pirate friends got them in their grasps once again.

Disclaimer: I do not own this version of Peter Pan, the Walt Disney Company does. 

Hi, my name is Finnchellove and it's been three and a half months since my last update. I apologize for that! I feel terrible for it, I really do. I have no clue how that ended up happening. I am going to work on it, though, and try to get a chapter a week done. I promise I am going to try harder. 

Also, I have a list of seven or eight more movies that I am going to write about. My current goal is to have 25-30 stories before I finish it. I think I am going to do some type of big finale but I am not really sure. If you have any requests that I have not wrote yet please comment it and I will try to put it on my list if it is Disney and I think I can come up with something. 

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