Twisted Disney #14

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Twisted Disney #14 - Brother Bear

Kenai climbed up the mountain, leaving Koda and all the bears at the Salmon Run behind him. They were all real bears. He wasn't. Sure, he had received the bear totem, but that still meant nothing. It was the totem of love for crying out loud! What could that possibly have to do with such a terrible beast?

Suddenly, the silhouette of an eagle appeared above him. Kenai looked up at it and released a sigh of relief. Sitka had finally come to save him; to turn him back into a human. Kenai ran towards the silhouette yelling, "Sitka! Sitka!"

In what seemed like a few seconds but also like forever, the figure of the eagle turned into that of a human. Kenai stopped running towards it and stood there to simply watch was happening.

The human figure jumped down to reveal a man in green coat with a large spear. Kenai released a gasp and began to back up as he said, "Denahi." Denahi looked over at Kenai, a sinister grin sprouting on his face.

To him, the animal in front of him was a murderer. It was what killed his brothers; a cruel beast who needed to die for its evil deeds. He didn't realize that it was not a beast who had killed his brother, and he especially didn't realize it was his brother.

Denahi yelled and charged forward, hoping to stab his spear through whatever part of the bear he could. Kenai ran forward. 

As Kenai ran, he looked up at the sky. "Sitka!" he yelled. "Sitka change me back!" Kenai raced up the mountain, hoping he still had a slight advantage on his brother. He didn't dare look back at him and his large spear.

Hoping he was close enough, Denahi leaped forward and landed on Kenai's back. A loud, deep bellow echoed from Kenai and down into the mountains. Kenai turned over onto his back so that Denahi was laying on his chest. Then, he used all four paws and pushed Denahi off of him.

Kenai ran to the end of the cliff they had approached and looked around him on all four sides. "Sitka, hurry!Change my back!" he yelled, ready for his eldest brother to turn him human again so that his other brother would let him go.

As Kenai roared and looked around for Sitka, Denahi used Kenai's distraction as his advantage. He charged forward and knocked them both off the cliff. They tumbled down the side of the cliff, not completely leaving the side of the mountain. 

When they landed, they were a few feet apart with their faces in the snow. Kenai slowly raised his head to see that Denahi had already made it up off the ground and was running for the spear. Kenai tried to get up and swiped at Denahi.

Denahi fell back on the ground. He glared at the bear before getting back up and sprinting for the spear once again. Kenai watched him run, but something grabbed his attention.

Koda stood behind some bushes watching them. Kenai looked at Koda with pleading eyes. "Go!" he yelled. Koda ran for the spear as Kenai ran after Denahi. When Denahi saw the young cub running towards his target, he picked up speed.

Denahi and Koda reached the spear at the exact same time. With his longer arms, Denahi was able to grab it before Koda. Denahi kicked Koda, gently knocking him out the way. Koda fell over several feet away.

Kenai ignored his brother with the spear and ran over to Koda. He wrapped the cub in his arms and stared down at his face. "Koda?" he whispered to it. Koda's eyes opened into tiny slits, just barely big enough for him to see Kenai.

"Kenai," he said, his voice weak. Even though the kick had been somewhat gentle, it still had hurt Koda. It had probably at least broken a bone.

Denahi almost laughed at the two bears. A male, adult bear holding a cub that couldn't possibly be his own? It was almost too funny. In fact, if he hadn't been trying to kill the bear, he probably would have fallen to the ground it was so funny to him.

He approached the bears from behind that way neither of them could see him. Meanwhile, Koda and Kenai were in their own little world. It hurt Kenai to see Koda hurt. After all, they had just been fighting and it was hard to loose someone after saying mean things to them.

Kenai hugged Koda tightly to his chest and let out a small sigh. "I love, you Kenai," Koda said. Kenai stared down into Koda's affectionate eyes. Despite him being hurt, they were still youthful and full of excitement. He was still so optimistic despite the things that could make him a pessimist. 

Koda's words touched Kenai's heart. The image of his totem flashed before his eyes. In the few seconds that Denahi was approaching behind them, he realized that bears weren't just stupid creatures that either kill or are to be killed. They were complex and completely capable of thought. Maybe even more than humans. 

Kenai opened his mouth to speak. "I-" he started. A sharp pain in his back caused him to interrupt his own sentence with a deep roar. He dropped Koda and fell to the ground on his stomach. The pain in his back didn't go away. In fact, it almost got worse.

Koda looked up and gasped. There was a long spear in Kenai's back. Koda limped towards him, at least one of his legs broken. He curled up next to Kenai's head. "Koda, are you okay?" he whispered. Kenai shook his head.

"No, Koda," he struggled to say. He felt his strength quickly draining from inside. It hurt that his own brother killed him, but it hurt even worse that Koda had to watch it. "Koda, you need to go back to the Salmon Run," Kenai said. Koda shook his head.

"No! I'm staying with you!" Koda protested. A long sigh came from Kenai.

"It isn't safe here. You need to be with the other bears," Kenai told him. Koda shook his head curled up between Kenai's head and arm.

"No. I'm staying here with you," Koda demanded. Kenai nodded slowly knowing there was no point in arguing with Koda. He had already been defeated. 

"Koda, I want you to know that I love you," Kenai finally said. Koda's eyes looked were sad as he stared into Kenai's. "And that you will always be my little brother." Koda nodded.

"I love you, too," Koda said. They didn't say anything else. Kenai was dying and Koda couldn't do anything to help him.

Disclaimer: The Walt Disney Company owns Brother Bear, not me.

I want to let you all know that updates will likely be only on the weekends for now on. If I feel like overachieving I might write some extra over the weekend to post during the week but there will be no promises of that. But I cried while I was writing this. Anyone else?

Sneak peak: I know there have been some requests for Nemo so it will either be that or Tarzan because I really wanna watch Tarzan.

Twisted DisneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora