Twisted Disney #8

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Twisted Disney #8 – Sleeping Beauty

Prince Phillip bounded through the woods on Samson with the fairies trailing behind him. He quickly weaved between trees and ducked under branches in hopes to get to Aurora as quickly as possible. The more he rode, though, he felt farther away from away from.

Finally, the trees around him became thinner and seemed to be less ominous, until there were none left and he was riding through a large field with the palace in view. As he rode, the fairies explained what had happened to Aurora. When they finished, he looked back at them.

"Where is Maleficent? She must be slayed," he said as they approached the village. The fairies shook their heads as they flied right behind him.

"We don't know, Phillip. We left her at her castle on the Forbidden Mountain and she is more than likely out looking for us already," Flora explained. He nodded and urged his horse to go faster if that was even possible.

When they reached the courtyard of the village, Phillip hopped off Samson and looked around. Everyone in the village appeared to be doing their work, but no one was moving. He walked over to a man with a bale of hay in his arms.

"Excuse me, sir, but what is going on?" he asked. The man did not reply. He crouched down a little to look at the man's face—which was looking down at the ground—to find his eyes closed. Prince Phillip looked around to see that everyone had the same looks on their faces.

Phillip walked back over to the fairies with a confused look on his face."Are they all asleep?" he asked. They nodded.

"They are. We put them under a curse that will only be broken when Aurora's is," Merryweather quickly explained. He opened his mouth the speak but at that moment the fairies grew to the size of humans. Flora took one hand and Fauna took the other.

"We must hurry, Phillip," Fauna said. They pulled him into the palace.He observed the palace as he was pulled up stairs and dragged down hallways. Finally, they reached the stairs leading to the tower where Aurora was being kept.

The fairies motioned for Prince Phillip to go up the stairs. He stepped through the doorway they were hidden behind and began the climb up.He thought that the tower was very eery, and not just because there was a half-dead girl waiting for him at the top.

The walls surrounding the steps were old and worn, like those of a dungeon. The torches that would normally have been lit were out so he could barely see the step before him. There were very few windows but those that were there looked out to the ominous forest he had been in earlier.

After what felt like hours of climbing the stairs, he reached the top and pushed the door open. He stepped into a dark room. He saw a gas lantern on a nearby table and lit it. The lantern covered the room in a creepy, yellow light.

The room was extravagantly furnished, like any room in a palace should be. There was a sofa on one side of the room with arms chairs on both side. Tables were at each end of the sofa with little gold trinkets. On the other side of the room, there was a canopy bed.

He observed the bed for a few seconds, finding it no different than the ones at his home. He walked over towards the bed and—sure enough—Aurora was laying there exactly in the middle with her eyes closed.

Phillip placed himself on the edge of the bed and looked at her. She was the same girl from the woods but here she seemed so different. She had the same face but she was no longer the poor, peasant girl he met.She was a princess.

He ignored that fact and leaned over. He placed his lips on hers. They felt cool, much like a dead person's skin. He pulled back and looked at her. She looked no different than before he kissed her. He stomach dropped: it hadn't worked.

Then, she gasped and her eyes fluttered open. She sat up and smiled at him. "Phillip," she said. He smiled back at her. Light filled the room so the lantern was no longer needed, almost like the sun followed Aurora's states. They leaned towards each other and shared a sweet, passionate kiss. A noise caused them to pull apart.

"Where are they?" a voice bellowed. They walked over to the balcony and looked down. All the villagers had woken up and appeared to have gone back to their ordinary life. Only now, they weren't working.

They were all staring at a beast who was looked over to walls of the kingdom. The dragon had purple skin and green eyes. It was looking around the people, trying to force them to turn Aurora and Phillip in.

"Come on," Phillip said. He grabbed Aurora's hand and began pulling her towards the stairs. They went down them and met the fairies at the bottom.

"Maleficent is here to get you," Flora informed them. They both nodded and hurried down the entryway of the palace. Phillip stopped at the door and took Aurora's hands in his.

"Stay here. I will slay the hideous beast and then come get you," he told her before he ran out the doors with his sword drawn. Aurora walked over to a window and watched as Phillip approached the dragon.

The dragon looked down at her and spit fire in his direction. Phillip ran from it and towards the dragon. He hopped on its back and climbed up its neck. He raised his sword to drive it through the dragon's neck but just before he could do that, the dragon moved.

Maleficent shifted so Phillip fell to the ground. The dragon stepped on him but quickly pulled its paw up, Phillip's sword going through the bottom of it. She let out an aggravated roar in his direction. . . And it came with fire.

The fire burned Phillip and when it stopped, Phillip could not move. The guards surrounding the palace moved and began attacking the dragon. After rounds and rounds of teasing it, they finally managed to kill the dragon.

Aurora ran out of the palace and to Phillip. He laid on the ground and his skin was burned, blisters coating all that was exposed. Aurora shook him, hoping he would wake up and be fine. All she received was a moan.

"Phillip, you'll be fine," she promised. He didn't save anything in response. He just released more moans. Aurora turned around and waved towards some people in the square. "Come! Help him!"

A few people ran over. They picked him up and began carrying him in the direction of the kingdom's medic. Aurora fell to the ground and began crying. The fairies walked over to her and gathered around her.

"He'll be okay, right?" she asked. All of the fairies looked at one another, sharing concerned looks.

"I'm afraid he might not be, dear," Fauna told her.

And Fauna was right. Phillip was dead.

Disclaimer: This version of Sleeping Beauty belongs to the Walt Disney Company, not me.

I apologize for this being late but I needed to watch the movie before I wrote this and I couldn't find time to do that until yesterday and yeah. Sorry. :(

Sneak peak: I am not really sure... Maybe its time for the first Twisted Pixar?

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