"My Prince!!" "Princess! It's been so long!" The two squealed in each others arms as the host just blinked in shock and confusion as to what the two had done..

"Oh my gosh! I missed you so much! when did you come here?" Lia happily asked and cuddles with the unknown guy.

"I missed you too, I just got here yesterday and was.. ugh.. how do I explain this.." He trailed off as the hosts cleared their throats..


The both of us looked at the host as I chuckled "oh sorry, we were in out own world just now, we didn't notice you guys.." the both of us stood up as we all sat on the couch nearby..

"So.. Lia, who is this guest of yours?" Tamaki asked as I held my prince's hand..

"Good Morning, I am the Gaming Prince, IO Vander, not so happy to meet you all.." The hosts widen their eyes as they all looked at Io and welcomed him with warm smiles that it looks so disgusting

"Sorry for misunderstanding at first, we thought you were gay or Lia's boyfriend or something.." the twins synced as IO and I just chuckled..

"So, what business do you have with our hostess?" Kyoya asked opening his deathnote

"Actually, since my princess is already a hostess, I'd like to buy her time..." IO said as I hit him playfully on his shoulder

"You know we could've just talked at home right?" I asked him as he replied with a look of 'emergency' which made me sigh in response looking at Kyoya who seemed a little hesitant at first but he still allowed IO to buy my time..

Why was he hesitating anyway?

Oh well...

As soon as Kyoya nodded, we both stood up and rushed to the door as the guests were waiting outside just awed at us.. well more likely at IO fast walking on the halls, the students who saw along the way froze in shock since it's pretty rare to see the prince and the princess together..

We stopped at the fountain behind the school ensuring no listeners before talking..

Sighing deeply he spoke..

"Lia, can I see your phone?"

I sweatdropped as I answered "I kinda lost it on our trip to the 'Glasses' guy's private beach, why'd ya ask?" It was my turn to ask, it's unlikely for him to just come here all the way from America just to see my damn phone..

He checked his phone before turning his gaze back to me "Don't you feel like somethings' off about this world? or something weird happening around you?" he asked as I furrowed my brows

"Don't tell me it got you too..." I trailed off as he showed me his phone and the current objective


|Worlds Collide


|- meet a friend from

|the other time

"I thought that it was all just some kind of dream or my delusion but if I go the wrong way, I kept on dying and waking up going to the same spot all over again.. I don't even know why this things kept on appearing on my phone and says all of a sudden that the objective is completed.. I didn't even do anything.." I widen my eyes at the sight and at his words

And here I thought this was some kind of a game dad unknowingly set for us to track our daily lives.. but this is some kind of a delusion, it's a void far from reality which makes us think that the flow of this game is just some kind or irrational reality..

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