I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 15

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This is the last chapter-ish of Jack and Alex in college, it'll be really long so I do apologize, and I'm sorry if I've rushed through anything, I've just run out of idea's.
HOWEVER- There will be one more chapter after about them being older.
Jack turned around to face what he thought may be a fist and the look on Holly's face was more then pleasent, she was craving the face Jack would make when a fist flies into his weak body and his limbs snap in half like a twig.

"Come on... come on.." Holly chanted under her breath, she was going to enjoy this.
Well, at least she thought she was because what came next blew her away.
"I never really welcomed you to Baltimore bro, welcome!" He patted Jack on the back and walked back into the crowd.

Jack opened one eye as he looked around the room, everyone was smiling and they look like they were going to clap for them all being gay. All four boys were over whelmed with happiness, they all nearly cried because nobody shouted out Faggot or Queer, everyone had a smile on their face and for once Jack's heart was at rest.

Holly screamed her heart out, her scream was so piercing that some people put their fingers into their ears, including Rian.
"WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU BEATING THEM UP, THEY'RE GAY, IT ISN'T NORMAL!" She stomped her feet like a spoilt brat and a big baby. How pathetic.

"Because Holly" one of her little followers spoke up "being gay is normal, it's perfectly normal and if it wasn't for you being such a bitch then maybe they would have come out of the closet a long while ago, just like me" She whispered and holly's face began to form a shade of red and her expressions were a little away from being happy.
"YOU'RE A LESBIAN? MY OWN FRIEND, A LESBIAN? AHAHAH, YOU'RE SO WEIRD, YOU NEED A LIFE!' Her comments became more harsher, more forceful and put people down.
More people stepped over to where Jack, Alex, Rian and Zack were standing as all four boys held hands, a sign of not being afraid of who they were anymore, being Gay is normal, it's perfect, it's absolutely fine!

One of the Jocks tapped Holly on the shoulder, she battered her eyelids at him before he pushed her aside and joined the rather large group forming on the other side of the hall.
"and I'm bisexual, so now I'm not normal? You're nothing but a heartless cow Holly Adam's, and if you're such a homophobe then none of us want you here, I think it's time you leave".

Holly spat before bursting into tears and running out the doors. She turned around and shouted with a voice not so big anymore and spat out "I hope you all rot in queer hell!" and with that she ran out.

Did that really just happen? Everyone cheered and the four boys didn't know what to do, they wanted to thank every single person in their college, they wanted to kiss the Earth and cry, but instead Zack ran up to Rian and kissed him softly and Jack tilted his head to look at them before Alex did the same to Jack.
As passionate as it was getting, they all had a day to get through, it was like a dream, never in a million years did they think they'd ever find a bunch of people so open to homosexuality.

~3 days later~
Alex, Rian, Zack and Jack had been given the most warmest of smiles ever since Friday, they'd all gained friends and finally everyone was at an equal with each other, more people came out as either Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual and nobody judged, just gave them a pat on the back for being so open, it was like something you see on a film, totally unrealistic but this time it was, it was 100% fucking real.

All four boys were shaking in their boots as they lined up to preform infront of their music class for this project, the teacher approached them in the morning and said there was a twist, someone special was going to be watching them and it could be life changing.
Their teacher always over dramatised, she ought to be a Drama teacher, why she was teaching music they would never know.

The door opened as Rian stepped in and took a seat behind his drums, Alex stood at the front of stage with Jack to his right and Zack to his left, just like they practiced.
Alex focused his vision on his teacher who was sitting next to a man, he looked middle-aged and quite smart. He wore a black suit and had a load of paper on the seat beside him and a pen in his hand, he completely ignored the 13 other students in his class who sat their with big eyes, they all heard great things about this band but they'd never heard them play live.

Rian whacked his sticks to the beat of three, before all four boys played their instruments.
It was mind blowing how good they were, you'd never have said that a week ago they were playing solo and had no idea of their capability when they came as one.
Alex looked up into the bright lights as he pictured fame, he pictured their names in lights and he relaxed, he could picture them doing this for a living, being in a band with his gay bestfriends and his boyfriend. This was the life he'd always wanted.

3 minutes and 20 seconds later the whole room was filled with applause, everyone was at their feet and all four boys were taken back completely, they were never expecting this, not bad for a couple of gays.
They all saw as their teacher and a mysterious man walking forward to the front of the stage as she took Alex's mic and smiled.

"Well done everyone for today, your assignments were fantastic, I am so proud as to the standards you have all showed, and the effort you have point in, and the leaps and bounds you've all come on" She smiled before continuing. "As you know, there was a twist in this weeks assignment and I will pass you over to my friend here who will let you in on the suprise!"

The man in black took to the mic and opened started talking.

"Hello everyone, I am taken back by all of your pieces of work, you are all truly amazing. I am here today however to change a solo artist or a bands life today forever. I work for Hopeless records.." A few people in the audience gasped and Rian, Alex, Jack and Zack's eyeballs suddenly popped into their mouths. Hopeless records were the best company in the world, they work with such great artists!
"I'm here to offer one of you a contract with us, hopeless records and make you into rock stars, and I think it's clear who the winner is..."
He turned and pointed to the boys, who started shaking and bouncing around on stage with happiness, they couldn't believe their luck over the past few days, were they all dreaming? Was this even real life?

"Boys, I'm about to make your life an All Time High!"
Everyone screamed in the audience, they were all proud to have known people with such potential.
"No Sir, we're about to make ourselves bounce back from an All Time Low" Jack replied.

And that was it.
Just like that they had their lives mapped out, they were going to hit the lights and hit them big.
America didn't know what was about to come at them, and the boys didn't know what America was going to through into their faces.

Not only did they have people bowing at their feet because of their openness, they were about to be much bigger then the four boys could have ever hoped for.

I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum