I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 8

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I think I'm going to calm Alex and Jack's relationship down for a chapter or two, all niceness, they deserve it right?;) Thank you, again, keep the comments/votes coming! Thanks so much!


-Alex's P.O.V-

I put my foot on the peddle as hard as I could, speeding tickets didn't matter to me right now, all that did was the boy sitting emotionless next to me. I took his hand and held it in mine whilst keeping one hand on the wheel, tracing circles on his knuckles, telling him in my own way that I'd be there for him through this, I had to be, I wasn't that gutless.

"Jacky, we're here now, before we go in, I want you to know, no matter what happens, if you want anything, if you want space, I'll give you it all, I swear" I smiled at him, and he nodded, not that I expected anything else from him, he must be a wreck inside. I didn't think he'd be in a stable state to walk either, so I slammed my door shut and took Jack in my arms, running inside and putting him down.

"E-Excuse me, my mum's been rushed to this hospital, and I- I need to see her, she's.. dieing" Jack whispered.

"You must be Jack Barakat, I'll take you right through" The lady gave him the warmest smile she could, but you could see her sorrow for the poor boy in her eyes.

I followed them and then sat on the rack of plastic seats which were positioned in a line on the wall all down the hallway.

"I'll wait out here Jack, I don't want to intrude on you and your mum's space, I'll make a few calls whilst I'm out here" I smiled, as fake as it was, I knew Jack needed air.

He looked hurt when I said it, even though he knew it was true, and he continued walking into the room where I assumed his mum was laying.

I pulled out my phone and rung my mum to tell her the news, she was so taken back, in a bad way, by it all. She couldn't understand why such a terrible thing would happen to such an innocent boy and his mum. She also said she'd pack a bag for me in case Jack needed to stay over night, she continued that he was now my responsibility, and I would be a jerk not to see him through this tough time. She then paused and told me Jack was welcome to stay at our house for how ever long he needed. My mum was in such a good mood lately, I was thankful for that, Jack needed a lot of care at the moment. Before she went, she said she'd phone the college and say we wouldn't be in until further notice, they were good like this, they would tell us to take as much time as we needed.

-Jack's P.O.V-

I looked at Alex hurt, I needed him by my side, but I didn't want him to see me cry, not now.

I walked in to see my mum in the worst state ever, she was sleeping but kept jumping at the pain she was in, I carefully walked over and planted a kiss on her head which felt so hot and sweaty. I couldn't bare see her in this pain, she really didn't deserve it, she was my mum, she gave birth to me, she brought me up, she was there for me when times were tough, and now she needed me more then ever. To think this could be my final few hours with me cut me like a knife.

The doctor saw me tear up, and pulled me into a hug, she was around the same age as my mum, and she seemed to be so cherpy, but then again, seeing someone crying may make me worse.

"H-how long do you think she has?"

The women looked at me doubtingly, not long then obviously.

"She's got worse since she's got her son" she spoke. "I wouldn't like to put a date on it, but a day, a few if you're lucky" She patted my back and comforted me.

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