I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven't been writting for a few days, my cousin's been here and I've been really busy so had no time to do this, again, thankyou for the comments & votes, keep them coming!:')


It had been a few weeks since Jack had arrived, and a week since Alex had spoke to Rian and Zack. They both claimed they were 'busy' and had to 'study', of course Alex knew it was a bunch of crap, it was probably because it was embarrassing to be seen with the new kid in which he was stuck with.

Jack had settled in quite well, although Alex was his only friend. Everyone seemed to think he was a bit camp because he was so skinny. He was the type of person that if you picked up, they would snap in half easily.  Most guys at Alex's college were beefy and chunky as well as having muscles.  None the less, nobody really cared either, there was quite a few gay couples there,  Zack and Rian being one of the suspected few.

Jack walked in late to his Business study lesson and slouched down on the table next to Alex, positioned at the back.

"Aaah Mr Barakat" the old man in the casual-smart suit at the front said.

"Yeah, sorry I'm a bit late" Jack said, with a bit of worry covering his face.

"It's quite alright, since you're fairly new, I'll let this one slip" the man replied, smiling away.

"Cheers sir"

Alex turned to Jack and frowned a bit before opening his mouth.

"Jack, why are you so late?" the older boy questioned.

"I dunno, I had things on my mind I guess.." Jack mouthed, before looking down and fiddling with his pen between his long fingers.

"I may not have known you for long Jack, but I can tell somethings up" Alex looked at the boy with a considerable amount of concern.

"Just leave it Alex, alright?" the younger boy snapped, feeling slight guilt after, but what was said was said and he just turned his back and continued with his work.

Alex looked puzzled, not only had he never been spoken to like that before, but his 'guinea pig' was almost going against him, which put a smirk on Alex's face, he liked that very much so, but at the same time he was concered about Jack, he'd never been so concered about anyone this much except for his mum when he's brother departed from their lives and Jack hadn't even said much about what was wrong.

- Later that day -

After college, it poored down with rain, the heavens opened and Alex had no umbrella. To put it in few words, since the change of hot words in business studies with Jack, Alex's day only got worse with him. Rian texted him at lunch saying he was not going to be in for a few weeks due to a last minute booking of a holiday, and that his dad allowed him to bring a friend. Alex didn't have to put two & two together to know it was obvious he was taking Zack.

The road Alex lived down was long and winded round, so long infact that Alex had no idea about who lived down there apart from his ex whom he was still good friends with.

For a split second Alex looked up and saw a red eyed Jack sitting outside the doorstep of a house near to his.

"J-Jack?" Alex spoke up, not caring about how he snapped at him earlier.

"What?" Jack said, almost as if he had the ump with Alex or something, but he let his body become less tense after speaking.

"You've been crying, haven't you?" Alex said at almost a whisper as he moved closer and sat next to the boy.

"Maybe I have, Maybe I haven't, what's it to you?" Jack snapped again, looking away.

"Cause you're my friend, I suppose"

"Friend?" A smile escaped the tall boys lips.

"I guess, so what's wrong?" Alex said, patting the boys back to reassure him.

In the past few weeks, he's seen Jack's true colours, a teen with the brain of an 8 year old, in a good way of course, he had a load of energy and Alex never really understood it, but he liked it, he started to smile at the thought of Jack.

"It's nothing, I'm.. sorry for snapping Alex, it's J-"

Alex stopped him in his tracks and lightly pressed their lips together.

"It's okay Jack" Alex spoke, smiling.

Jack just looked up with a puzzled look, what on Earth just happened?

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