I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 4

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Fitting two chapters into one night! How's my story looking? Did you expect the ending to chapter 3? What's wrong with Jack? Time will tell!


Jack jumped up, almost hurt by what Alex's pink lips just done.

Jack couldn't deny that he liked the electrical connection that happened within the split second that the two boys connected, but his mind was messed up completely. How comes he never knew Alex was gay? Jack wasn't even gay himself, so he thought.

"Alex, what the hell just happened?" Jack said, chocking up again.

"I-I, I'm sorry Jack, you're my friend but I've been having these dreams and the timing and-"

Jack ran his hands through his spiked up hair and paced up and down the street in the rain.

"Dreams? What? Can you not see that I'm not okay? Are you taking advantage of me? Since when was you gay!" Jack's voice started to get louder and his face pale.

"I'll explain another time, I better get going" Alex said, kicking a plastic bottle up the pavement with a tear in his eye.

His heart was in so much pain, it felt as if someone cut him open with a knife and sliced a chunk of his hear out. He couldn't deny, he defiantly wasn't straight. Even his ex admitted he wasn't the straightest of guys on the planet.

Jack sobbed to himself, regretting letting Alex go, he liked Alex, he was sure of it but he didn't know if he like him that much.

What would his mum and dad say if he burst through the front door admitting his sexuality.

Jack's family were all over the place at the moment. Jack's dad kept going away for work purposes and didn't come home for days at a time, his mum wasn't right and his brother and sister were all he had to talk to, May being the most understanding.

Jack opened the door and slung his bag down before placing a kiss on his mum's cheek who was looking fragile and in pain.

"How was college dear?" Mrs Barakat asked, quietly.

"alright thanks mum, have you taken your tablets?"

"Yes, Joe gave me them" she smiled.

"Good, I have to go talk to May, I'll be back" jack said, running up the stairs.

He knocked on Mays room and entered.

"May, I need to talk to you about Alex, you remember him... Right?" Jack looked at his sister who was perched on her bed.

"Yeah, go for it!" She replied, showing her pearly White teeth.

Jack explained the story and May just nodded.

"I think it's cute Jack! I think you should give Alex a go, that is if he wasn't just doing it because he's confused... I think you should text him and invite round or go out and discuss about if!"

"Really?" Jack said, placing a smile on his face.

"Sure! Aw Jacky, I'm so happy for you!"

May cuddled Jack before he grabbed his phone and texted Alex who was in as much of a state as Jack was inside.

He walked downstairs and looked at his mum, she was so pale and looked so fragile, he wanted to help her but he didn't know how, he wasn't a doctor, just a teen who was confused himself.

He felt himself tearing up before a loud knock at the door intruded his thoughts.

Alex was here.

Jack opened the door, forgetting to wipe his tears.

"Jack, I didn't know I affected you this much, I'm sorry, I'm not dieing though you know!" Alex said awkwardly, trying to make light of things.

Jacks faced dropped, his heart tightened and he froze.

"No Alex, you're not. My mum is"

Jack said emotionless.

Alex's mouth could only hit the bottom of the pavement.

I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora