I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 2

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So I'm doing this whilst I'm at my nan's, I'd really appreciate some comments because if nobody tells me what they think, chances are I'll not finish this off and it's going to get better, promise!


Jack sheepishly followed Alex around the College, taking mental notes of where everything was so he didn't have to use that lame map they provided for him.

"So this is where we eat" Alex said trying not to sound over-excited about things.

"R-right.." Jack replied whilst his eyes travelled over every object in the room.

Alex couldn't help but keep his eyes on Jack and his tall yet skinny figure, the way his hair sat on his head and the way his lips were almost pouting.

See, Alex had been having these weird dreams lately, mixed dreams. Some nights Alex would have dreams about girls, the normal dreams guys of he's age get without going into too much detail, but then another nights Alex would have dreams about meeting a guy who would change his life around, ones that suggested to him that he may not be as straight as he always thought he was. Zack and Rian were not against gay's, in fact some even thought there was some 'business' going on between them already, it was Alex's other friends that had a problem with it and so Alex kept his mouth shut about his dreams.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jack said, tilting his head so it was in line with Alex's.

"I'm not, mind your own bee's wax!" Alex snapped, shaking his head and straightening his top out.

"Yes you was, you was looking at my face" The tall boy replied, almost seeming as if he was building up confidence already.

"Look Lanky, do you want to keep fighting about the weird illusions you're having about me, or do you want to continue this bloody tour?" The smaller boy almost raising his voice by this point.

"B- but!" Jack looked down, frowning.

Alex got strange butterflies in his tummy, he'd never been able to control another male before, for he was bossed around sometimes himself. He quite liked the feeling of having a little lost dog following him and almost doing his every command. As wrong as that sounds, for the next term or so Jack was going to be Alex's guinea pig so Alex could sort his feelings out.

"It's okay Jack, let's tour the school some more.." He then winked at the boy and walked off.

Jack just blinked as the boy went off. What was wrong with him?

I've been played a fool [Jalex] - Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now