My eyes widen. "Okay..." Without thinking about it, I pick her up bridal style and take her to candy kingdom.

*Fionna's POV*

Marshal was acting strange... First he disappears and now instead of carrying me like he usually does he was carrying me bridal style. Which was weird... but felt... right... 

"We're here" he said which broke my thoughts. He gently set me down and we walked into Gumball's castle.

"Oh Fionna!" He said as he hugged me. He then saw Marshal. "And you brought him..."

"Nice to see you too Gumbutt." He said cooley.

"Listen Fionna there's something I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Well... I-I wanted to know if you'd.....maybe.... wanna go on a date with me sometime?"

My eyes were wide and I could feel my face heat up "Uhm sure..."

*Marshals POV*

I filled with rage the second he asked her out. And when she said yes and blushed I wanted to explode with rage and jealousy. But why? 

"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12:00 pm!"


I had to worry by this point. Fionna's liked this guy for years, and he's rejected her so many times. Why now? 

Gumball looked at Fionna with a smile then looked at me with a different smile, one that says, "You mad? Like those old memes from sometime in the 2000's. 

"Me and Marsh should probably get going... See you tomorrow."

We walked out. Me still enraged with jealousy. She kept talking about how she was excited for her date. At one point my jealousy was at a high. 

"Why do you even like him?! He rejected you glob knows how many times and has broken your heart!" I regretted that as soon as I said it. We walked back to her tree house in silence. 

"Well. Do you wanna come in?" she blushed. Glob it sure was adorable when she blushed. But I'm still jealous for some reason. 

"I think I'll head back to my place... See you later" I left before she said anything else and didn't look back. The only thing is, I lied. I'm not going home. I'm going to talk to pinky...


When I got to the kingdom I went straight to the lab, that's where he was the most.

"Gumbutt we need to talk."

He turned and looked at me with a frown "About what?" as if he didn't know what it was about.

"Oh really? You have no idea what I'm talking about?"

"Ooooh you mean the Fionna incident."


"What's wrong?" he laughed "You do like her don't you!"

"Do not!" 

"If you do like her I'll call off the date."

This aggravated me. He's hurt too many times already to just do it again. As much as I didn't want her to go on that date I couldn't let her get hurt...

"I don't...'' I sighed and started to walk out of the room, "have fun on your date."

*Next day*

*Fionna's POV*

"Sweet babies! My baby is going on a date!" Cake screamed "We have to get you the PERFECT dress!"


"Yes a dress! What else would you wear?"

I pointed down to my jean skirt and blue top.

"You can't wear that! This is a date! Now let me look through your closet. Cake gasped at the sight. There was lots of dresses each were beautiful. "WHEN DID YOU GET THESE?!?!?!?!?!"

''I found them. I never really wear them."

Cake looked around and pulled out three dresses. "Try those on."

"But Cake Can't I ju-"


"okay okay!" I went into the bathroom and tried one on. This one had a silver sparkly top with a black bottom. "Nope." Then I tried on a different one. This one blue. I already liked it better since I take a liking to blue things. I put it on and it looked beautiful. It was a bright blue with lace over it but so you could still see the blue. This was the one. I walked out to show Cake.

"Oh my glob! You look beautiful!"

"Thanks" I smiled

"Now let do something with that hair!"

"Can't I just wear my hat?"

"Nope. But I have an idea so you can still kind of wear it."

"what is it?"

"Ssssssshhhhhhh! Let the genius work!"

I wait for a few moments listening to Cake cut something. 

"Aha! I'm done!" She turned to show me what she'd done with my hat.

I gasped. Cake cut up my hat to make it a head band with bunny ears "Cake! It's really pretty and stuff but you ruined my hat!"

"I'll get you a new one now put this on"

I slipped it in my hair. I have to admit she did a pretty good job. 

"You look gorgeous! You're ready for your date!" 

"Thanks Cake" I yelled as I walked out the door. As I was walking I felt as if I was being watched but I kept walking. 

"You look beautiful today." Marshal appeared with his umbrella  smiling

"Thanks" I blushed

"Where are you off to, Fi? That's not something we'd adventure in."

"I have my date with PG remember?"

He looked slightly disappointed and mad. Then his face changed into a devilish grin and swooped me up off my feet and floated way up high.

"Put me down" I screamed 

"Only after you say the magic words."

"Pretty please?"


"Then what are they?"

"Say, Marshal is sexy." he grinned

"No way! Can't I say something else?"

"Fine then say, I want to do tier 15 with Marshal."

"What's tier 15?"

"Cake would scratch my face off if I told you."

"Tell me!"

"Nope ask Cake later. Just say one of the sentences and I'll let you go."

I closed my eyes and sighed. Then I blankly said, "Marshal is sexy."

"He chuckled and said "Say it like you mean it!"


"Fine." He gently set me down and we were right next to Gumball's castle but as I was about to leave he said something.


I turned "Yeah?"

He didn't say anything he just leaned in really close then..... kissed me.


Hey my readers! Have you liked it so far? Sorry it wasn't very good this is my first story plus the title to this chapter isn't good DX please stay tuned to see what happens next! <3  F4L (AKA  Snowy :]) P.S Update coming soon!

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