It Has Officially Returned.

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  Alright... So... Something went wrong.

You guys just had to corrupt the system, didn't you?

You want more of this Nether? More of this chaos?


All of the characters were supposed to have gone back to their own land by now...

Drake, and Armen, and Grayson and Mia, and all the rest, were supposed to have already travelled back to their own timeline.

But nooo... you had to demand more of this monstrosity....

So here you have it...

Even more mayhem than there already was.

We present to you....

Haunted Holidays.

So guys, before I start writing Valentine's Day, I just want to make sure that all of you still want your OC to be included, as well as ask any new people if they wish to join. If you have any ideas of events that could occur, if you want your OC to host one of these parties, or if I missed a holiday, let me know! Also, just asking your opinion, I don't know if you know this, but I am a Canadian... (Maple syrup and hockey ey? XD) So should I do Thanksgiving in September, like it is over here? Or in November, like where the Haunted crew actually are from? Wondering.... .3. Now I'll go get my polar bear and chop down some trees. I'm gonna be a famous lumberjack just like my parents. (I hope you guys can tell I'm being sarcastic... Please... *whimpers*) ~Dream

Haunted HolidaysWhere stories live. Discover now