Shriel part 1

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My name is ceil funtomhive and I am sad because sabastan left me he said he didn't like me no more so i cried

Here are some things about me I got some blue hair idk what color it is but whatever
Sabastan was my lover but he left me for Claud  and that make me sad sence Claud is a jerk
And Ill never be happy again cuz sabastan leave me

So I think i should start the story now

I was sitting in my study and I was crying


I herd a nick on my door and MeiRyn walked in with somewon
she said that his name is shrek and he wanted to talk to me


So shrek and its lied to Escher

Oops sorry auto correct I meant to say we talked to each oven

If net

There we go sorry I can't spell cuz I'm uneducaded idk if I spelt that rite

So shrek and I speaked and I felt my face get warm and I thought I was falling for him
But then everything went rong

Oops Sorry guys clift hanger i have to eat dinner so what do you think is gonna happen to us will we be lovers or will we die a panful deth coment wat u think

plz vote and comment it means a lot and if you want u can write ur own fabrics about us

Sorry fabrics

Never mind u know what I mean

So write ur fabrics and make fan art about Shrek and Me or maybe sing some songs about our love and send them to me I'd love to see them

So thanks guys bye

-ceil funtomhive

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