Not just Another Victim

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"Do I look ok to you?! I don't want to!" Evan said.

"Don't you want him to go to jail for what he did to you?" Olivia asked.

"I don't care!" Evan said.

"Evan, I'm sorry but since you're a minor, you don't get a say." Olivia said. She hated to force it. She really did. But she knew her stubborn child wasn't going to budge.

"I won't give you the rape kit!" Evan said narrowing her eyes. She smirked because she thought she had won.

"As your Mother I can sign off on it for you." Olivia said placing her hands on her hips.


Evan's mouth dropped open. She couldn't believe her Mother was making her do this. She was so amped up avoiding going to the hospital she forgot about how much pain she was in. She slumped against the gurney and curled up into a ball. All the fight was gone out of her. "Whatever." She mumbled.

Olivia looked over to the EMT. "Ok, take us to Mount Sinai since it's closest." She said.

"Sure thing Detective Benson." The EMT said. She moved forward and tapped on the window to give instructions to her partner.

"We'll meet you over there Liv." Amanda said before stepping out of the ambulance and closing the doors.

"What's your name kiddo?" The EMT asked Evan.

"Evan...I know it's a boys name so fuck off if that's what you're about to say!" Evan said.

"Actually I was going to say it's cute." The EMT said. "My name is Cali."

"Hi Cali..." Evan said. She didn't understand why the woman was talking to her. Why couldn't the EMT take the hint like her Mother and leave her alone.

"Evan I can't imagine what you've been through...and I can understand you not wanting to be near people or have anyone touch you. So I'm gonna ask you if it's ok to start an IV and get some fluids into you." Cali said.

"Why don't you ask my Mom since no matter what I say, she'll override it anyway." Evan sassed.

"Cut it out Evan!" Olivia was trying not to lose her patience with her daughter, given what she had been through but she was getting to the end of her rope.

Evan huffed. "Do I have to have the IV?" She asked.

"If I do it, you won't have to get one later when they check you in." Cali said.

"Ok." Evan said.

Cali explained to her step by step what she was doing and immediately backed off.

Thankfully it had already been called in and everyone had been given instructions to proceed with extreme care and not bombard Evan when they got to the hospital.

"Hi Evan, I'm Azalea. I'll be your nurse today."

They got Evan a private room and waited for Amanda to come take her statement after the rape kit was done.

"I'm not saying anything in front of my Mom!" Evan said.

"Bunny, you know you're gonna have to talk to her at some point right?" Amanda said.

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