"I know, it truly is a talent." Hoseok shrugged, a smug smile taking over his features. Jimin stared at him in confusion, did Hoseok just read his mind?
"You should be careful with what you think, because sometimes, you say it aloud." As soon as the words were let out into the room, Jimin's face dropped, making Hoseok laugh out and start clapping his hands madly.

"Ah, but seriously now, what movie are we gonna watch, babe?" Hoseok thankfully changed the subject and patted the empty spot next to him on Jimin's bed, inviting him to sit next to him. Jimin just awkwardly stood there, contemplating whether he should or not. Against his better judgement, he silently made his way to his bed, where he sat down next to a comfortable looking Hoseok, who immediately wrapped his arm around Jimin. 

"You can choose." Jimin replied after a long time of silence, making Hoseok shrug and put on the first random movie he had access to on Netflix.
"What film did you choose?" Jimin questioned, Hoseok only shrugged and claimed he had never watched it before. The pizza arrived soon, which Hoseok happily paid for, after they started watching the movie, but they finished it within minutes.

The two boys casually watched the movie, occasionally making funny comments at the appropriate moments, they had to pause the movie a few times because they were laughing so much at the comments both of them would say. 

Once they finally calmed down, they carried on watching the movie in silence, it wouldn't have been awkward at all if it wasn't for the inappropriate scene between the two characters in the movie. Jimin gulped and looked down before roaming his eyes over Hoseok's features, simply admiring him. If it was any other person, Jimin would've already looked away, but he simply just couldn't take his eyes off Hoseok, he was completely captivated, enthralled. Even when the older turned his head to look at him, he still held his gaze.

Hoseok made sure to fully look at Jimin, who let out a soft gasp and gulped once he noticed how close their proximity was. Hoseok, who held an intense stare towards the younger, saw Jimin's eyes glancing to his lips, I need to kiss him. It's now or never. Hoseok stared at Jimin for a few seconds longer with pure admiration in his eyes, he was thinking out the possible responses he'd get from Jimin.

He was finally about to lean forward and finally kiss Jimin, like he had wanted to do so many times before. However, just as Hoseok started leaning forward, the door was forcefully opened by none other than a drunk Jungkook and an equally as drunk boy that was wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck, Jimin had seen him around campus before, his name was Jongdae. The two boys jumped in shock and they tried to look as casual as possible, even though the two intruders had clearly seen what was about to happen.

"Holy shit! Sorry guys, I didn't know you two were finally planning on having sex tonight." Jungkook giggled, his words were very slurred, clearly the effects of the alcohol in his system. 
Jimin gulped, his cheeks turning a bright crimson.
"We weren't planning anything! Nothing was going to happen!" he yelled. Jungkook only laughed and shook his head.
"You say that, but you can feel the tension as soon as you w-walk in!" Jungkook was walking closer to them, his body struggling to stay balanced so Jongdae had to help him remain standing, even if he was wasted as well. 

Jongdae laughed and led Jungkook over to his own bed, where Jungkook could safely sit down without falling over his own legs.
"Sorry guys." Jongdae apologetically spoke, he quickly turned his attention back to Jungkook and the two were quickly involved in their own conversation.

Jimin and Hoseok turned to face each other again,
"I think you should go." Jimin said, rubbing the nape of neck awkwardly. Hoseok only nodded silently and got up from the bed, he started gathering his things to leave. Jimin followed him as they made their way towards the door. 
Hoseok stepped out the dorm room, but Jimin was still stood there in between the door and the wall. 
"Hoseok, wait!" He yelled out when Hoseok started to walk away.
"I had a good time." He stood on his tip-toes and kissed Hoseok's cheek, before quickly pulling away and staring at Hoseok, awaiting the other's reaction. He could've sworn he saw a hint of red on Hoseok's cheeks. 

Hoseok smiled widely at Jimin, he didn't expect him to do something that bold.
"Me too." Hoseok brought his arms out to bring Jimin into an unexpected hug, Jimin blushed madly at his actions. This is not the fuckboy Hoseok I'm used to seeing. I like this Hoseok.

"Bye." Hoseok spoke, he nervously bit his lip and walked away once he heard the words being repeated back to him.

As soon as Hoseok was out of sight, Jimin closed the door and leaned against it, letting out a dreamy sigh as he rested his head against the door. He never felt so dazed by anyone in his life. He probably would've stayed there all night, if it wasn't for Jungkook's slurred but loud voice. 

"Tell us the deets!"

Idk how i feel about this chapter, but here it is.

hope you guys enjoyed it

dont forget to comment or vote, it makes supercalifragilisticexpialidociously  happy. i feel exhausted after spelling that word out jfc

till the next chapter~

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