
I look around her room- she was sleeping on her bed

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I look around her room- she was sleeping on her bed. The room itself looked horrible. Rotten dark wood, no color, like a dull old house. I heard footsteps and in came what seemed to be her mother. She wore lingerie, black high boots, red lipstick. She was pretty- I won't lie.
"(Y/N)?" She whispered in (Y/N)'s ear.
"W-wha? What is it?" (Y/N) said. She looked up- as if experiencing deja vu.
"M-mom? Is that you?" She asked.
"Of course it's me, what are talking about?" Her mother said. I think (Y/N) forgot this is just a replay. A fake.
"M-mom! You're alive!" She burst into tears and immediately hugged her mother.
"(Y-Y/N), love, calm down. I don't know what's gotten in you."
"It was all just a dream- oh thank god-" she cut herself off.
"Wait.." (Y/N) looked up and saw me. She was staring straight at me.
"Can you see him?" (Y/N) asked.
"See who darling?"
And it hit her. She realized. This isn't real. Slowly she looked back at her mom.
"Ma.. Can- can you say I love you? To me? Please.."
"Darling don't be ridiculous. I'm on a schedule. Now, my client wants you to participate in the activities, get undressed."

It took me a while to process what she said.
The clothes. The man. It all made sense. (Y/N)'s mother was a prostitute.
"W-what? Mom?! N-No!" (Y/N) begged.
"Please (Y/N)! This is no time to argue listen to your mother! I'll get paid even extra! I'll be able to buy you that phone you've been wanting too! This is an order. Take off your clothes and meet me in the living room." She closed the door behind us and I heard her say,
"She said she'd loved to."

(Y/N) looked over to me.
"You're still here. So this isn't a dream.." She whispered. I walked over to her.
"I'm sorry. I am. I can't believe a mother would force her own daughter-"
"It's fine Jeff. Let's just get this over with." She sighed wiping away tears. She walked to the dresser and grabbed the knife that was lying there.
"If you don't want to do this- you don't have to." I reassured her.
"I have to Jeff. I have to."

We walk out together- even though they can't see me.
I looked at them. The man was strapped tight on the table, and the mom held a whip next to him.
"(Y/N) darling.. Are you going to undress in front of him? How wonderful!" She smiled and he did too.
"No mother.. Im not." (Y/N) responded, voice shaking. We had 20 minutes left.
"D-darling? What on earth do you mean?" She asked, getting worried. (Y/N) walked over to the man first and frowned.

"I really don't want to do this.." She whispered. "(Y/N). It's okay." I walked over to her and held her hand.
"We'll do it together." I say. I grab her hand with the knife in it.
"Thank you.." She shuts her eyes and we raise it over our head.

"I-I'm sorry mom! I- I..!" (Y/N) starts crying. I knew it. (Y/N)'s not the girl I ran away with the first night. She's changed in such a short amount of time. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. (Y/N) just didn't have love in her heart. If she did- she wouldn't be here. Now that she has a family- she values life more than anything. Now that I think about. I've changed too. I'm not that murderer I once was. I don't crave to feel blood dripping on me. I don't want to hear the terrors or screams. I don't want the feeling. Is this what friendship does to you? No.. Is this- what love does to you? Does- does love change who you are?
Am I in love?

"I'm so sorry mother!" (Y/N) yells running past me and to her mom. 15 minutes. She pushes her down gets on her and raises the knife. She swings it down-
But stops a centimeter away from her beating heart.
"I- I can't.." She whispers sobbing in her traumatized mothers arms. But someone unexpectedly happens. Her mother wipes away her tears with her thumb, placing her hand on her daughters cheek.
"It's okay (Y/N). I've had it coming." She mutters.
"Shh.. It's okay baby girl. I've cause you so much pain- I need to be punished for my sins." She grabs the knife and places it in (Y/N)'s hands. (Y/N) holds her mothers hand-
"Mom I love you. I'm so sorry.."
"It's okay sweetie. I love you too. I always have. And I always will." Now both of them were crying. My heart was pounding- it hurts. I remember the last time I felt the love of my mother.. Before I killed her..
She raised the knife-

But I stopped her.
"Don't!" I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, a second before it went into her moms stomach.
"Jeff- you're crying." (Y/N) said wiping her own tears.
"I- I can't let you kill your mother.. For god's sakes she's your mom! No! You can't-"
She places her hand on my cheek, running against my scars.
"I know why you don't want me to. I don't want to do this. But Jeff- if I don't, I'll be killed. I need to pass this test. Because if I don't- I'll loose you. I lost my mother. Please don't leave me too." She places her forehead against mine. 5 minutes left.
"Okay... I- I understand.."
"And Jeff.. I know about your mother. I know about what you did- but remember what I said before. They love you. And they're watching you right now. Growing. And I bet they're proud to call you their son. Jeffrey, you're beautiful."
I stare at her. Her completion, studying every inch of her face. Her eyes, her skin, her lips, her nose, her cheek- everything.
"No one has ever said that to me.. (Y/N).. I- I lo-.. Thank you." I shake off what I was going to say. It wasn't important right now. What is important is making sure (Y/N) passes this test. I made a promise.
"We only have 2 minutes- it's now or never." I say firmly.
"You're right." She backs away and looks at her mother.
"(Y/N) who were you talking to-"
"Don't worry about that mom. I have to go now. I hope one day I can see you in heaven."
"I hope so too, my darling." Her mom whispers. She gives her mother a smile and kisses her cheek. I look away- and heard the knife plunge into a body.
It was finally done.


We were back. I looked at (Y/N), her eyes were red and puffy. I bet mine were too; from all the crying. The helmets come off and Jane undoes (Y/N)'s straps while Kate undo's mine.
"Well. That certainly was.. An interesting test. Considering we saw it all." Slender says. "Nevertheless, (Y/N), you pass. Good job child. You can head back to the dorms. Rest up, you earned it."
All of us walk out the room and remain quiet. We didn't need to say anything. Everything has already been said. BEN hands me the needle I need to take every hour to make sure I don't get worse from this "Love Sickness." But it's not like I'm in love.. Right? I inject myself and hand the shot back to BEN. He throws it away once we pass by a trash can. It was over. Now- come tomorrow. My last day. Her last test. Everything will unfold. Let fate control everything.

Something switched in me, and I don't know why but I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand.. It was so soft, and delicate. I looked at her, and she looked at me.
And we smiled.

Maybe I really do love her.

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