Chapter 3: Groups?!

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<Eevee's Pov>
Well its been... How long? Oh yeah... Two weeks... And we have just started in our new project...

"Okay class... We are now starting our first... Team building project... This is to strengthen yours and your teamate's bonds..."

As I was writing... Something hit me on the head... Litteraly... And Mr. Zoruak was to busy... Practicing his 'illusions' he didn't notice... It was a piece of paper...

<Pikachu's Pov>
When Mr. Zoruak mentioned the project... I got this idea... What if me, Charmander and Eevee join the same group... We are all in the same science class after all... So I quickly took out a pen and wrote that idea... I threw it at Eevee... She kinda looked pissed after hitting her in the head... Oh no...

<Eevee's Pov>
Wow.. Really... Pikachu... Really... Though it wasn't a bad idea... I hated how it was delivered...
Any ways... Here is what was said in the letter...


Yo, Eevee...

How bout' you, me and Charmander be... I dunno... Teammates???

___ Yes. <---- BEST ANSWER

___ No


I rolled my eyes, then turned around to look at him... I nodded yes...

<Pikachu's Pov>
Thank Gawd I am saved!!!!

Mr. Zoruak finally spoke and said "You guys can choose your own team... As long as you do your task as a group... The assignment is to create an invention that can benefit pokemon..."
Then class was dissmised

We had our first meeting during lunch time...

"So I was thinking... How about a robot?!" Charmander said

"You know you'll be doing all the work if we go with yours!" I exclaimed

<Eevee's Pov>
I had no idea what they were planing... I was just sipping on my slurpee. Thinking about a project...

"What do you think we should do Eevee?" Pikachu asked me...

"Uhhh.... Umm... I th-think we should... Um..."
I was scanning around the room to see what we could use...

"You know what... Never mind... Charmander we will go to your house later..." Pikachu said

"WHA-" Pikachu quickly covered his mouth and dragged him somewhere else... I didn't care... Cause I was REALLY hungry...

<Charmander's Pov>
"WHA-" I exclaimed
Pikachu was dragging me to the janitor's closet... It was our hiding place since... We met...

"Dude... Come on... We are doing it in your house..."

"Why mine?" I asked with a very annoyed and mad voice...

"Your house has a billion gadgets!!! It is practically a science museum..."

"First of all, those 'gadgets' your talking about... Are mine... Hands off... And second... It is not a museum..."

Pikachu then started pouting...
He was blocking the door... He even gave me the ' ain't moving till you say yes' face...

"Fine... Only if you DON'T break anything..."

Pikachu nodded with delight...

<Eevee's Pov>
I saw Pikachu outside the school... I think he was waiting for me... I quickly texted my mom to inform her I'll be home late...

"Hey!" I exclaimed

"Hi we are just waiting for Charmander's mom to pick us up..." Pikachu told me...

Charmander came running up to us...

He looked like he just ran a 1000k marathon...


"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yep... This is normal..."
I was confused... What was he running from? Then I saw a huge crowd of... GIRLS?!

"Oh great... *pant* *pant* They... Are here..." Charmander still tired...

"Oh gawd!!! RUN!!!"

We all began running... And in front of us we saw a car...

"Theres my mom!!!"

"Just a little more..."

We got in the car and I still had no idea what was going on...

"Drive!!!" Charmander exclaimed...

When we got rid of the crowd... The others got on their cars and was chasing us...

"Charmander... Use FLAMETHROWER..." His mom exclaimed

Charmander nodded and opened the door of the car and jumped on the roof...

"Whats going on!?" I exclaimed

Suddenly I saw a wall of fire blocking the cars... Charmander came back in the car...

We eventually got to the house of Charmander...

"Come on guys..." Charmander said...

We followed him to his room... By the time he opened the door... I saw alot of gadgets...

"DON'T touch ANYTHING..."

"We got it..." Pikachu answered

We started with the sketching...

I got an idea... And it has something to do with battles...

"Wait..." They both looked at me...
I continued "What if... We make a backpack that could help pokemon... During battles!"

Then thats when I regreted my decision...

"Backpack? Battles? That will be cheeting right?" Charmander said

"Well yea!" Pikachu answered

Then I thought of something that I could counter with...

"No! I mean for like... When your getting bullied... Or chased..."

Then they both agreed with my idea... I am a total GENIOUS!!!

You rock Eevee...

Why thank you Eevee...

Okay I gotta stop talking to myself...

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