2. Truth Begins

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Liam cleared his throat, "Are you sure you don't need help there Niall?"

Niall's big blue eyes looked up at him, almost stopping Liam from breathing. What Liam wouldn't give to lean in closer... He mentally smacked himself. He had to stop thinking about Niall like that... Niall sheepishly smiled, "I uh, I think I can do it." Liam stopped himself from snickering. He knew that if it took Niall this long to get three pieces together, he wasn't going to be able to do it himself at all.

"Niall-" Liam began but got cut off when Niall shook his head.

"Liam, I want to do this."

Something in the way he said it tipped Liam over, almost tipping him into heartache and awe. It was like a whisper, soft and caring yet firm and determined. Liam was about to begin to speak when his mother called him. Liam sighed and got up from the chair, walking to the back door and leaving Niall to the birdhouse in the backyard.

Niall watched him walk away, shaking off the feeling of disappointment at watching him go.

He looked back down at the mess in front of him. He vaguely understood what to do. But, even after watching 'how-to videos and reading information on his phone when Liam wasn't looking, Niall still had a hard time grasping what the heck he was doing. It was damned near impossible to get what he was doing. He had thought that maybe it would be easy. How hard could building a birdhouse be? He had thought, and to his dismay, he was wrong. It was very hard. At least it was to Niall.

Niall was just beginning to think about redoing the whole thing when Liam called out his name. A chill ran down his spine just as the wind picked up, or so he would like to believe. Niall pushed back the sensation that happened whenever Liam called out his name. Time and time again, he would make excuses and deep inside, he wondered if he would ever admit it... but he was scared. What if he got hurt?

Niall put his phone in his pocket and went to go eat. Dinner was ready, and Niall felt his stomach growl at the thought of food.

While getting their plates, Niall saw Liam watching him from the corner of his eye. Feeling like he was in the spotlight, he looked down at the floor. He looked up and felt his cheeks flush, heating at the thought of Liam's eyes on him. Niall tried to lose the idea, drop the feelings that came with it and tried desperately not to think of his best friend like that. He glanced over and blinked a few times before looking at his plate. His face burning up.

Oh... did he just... Did Niall just... Was Liam...? Niall's thoughts were jumbled as he thought about it. All through dinner, he kept picturing Liam's curly hair shadowing his face and his deep brown eyes roaming Niall's body. Niall's palms were sweaty, and his heartbeat raced as he thought about it...

"Are ya' alright over there?"

Niall looked up at Liam, meeting his gaze quickening Niall's already racing heart. Then, finally, Niall smiled, "Yeah, Payne."

But he wasn't... Niall wasn't sure what he was. He was just oh so baffled...


Niall had been acting strange...

Liam thought as he lay back in bed, pulling the sheets up to his chin. Maybe it was because Liam had an appointment tomorrow? Yeah, that had to be it... Liam thought. What else could it be?

Liam sighed, pulling the blankets closer to himself. He only slept in boxers. It was the only way to go. He began to think about how nice it would be to have someone next to him tonight, especially before tomorrow. He was scared about going to treatment. His mind wandered from there, to his childhood, to Niall...

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