He's Woking in something to do with his X-wing. "Poe" Finn calls, stood by the tools. "What's up buddy" Poe replies waist deep inside his ship. " I'm worried about Rey.." to start with Poe makes no effort to move, until Finn continues "..I haven't seen her since the mission yesterday" that worries Poe. Everyone on base knows those two new kids are virtually inseparable. Poe climbed down from is X-wing and wipes his hands. "Lets go find her".

They look round the base in the places they would usually find her. Then the go to her room, the only place left she would be and knock. But there is no answer. "There is nowhere else she would be" Finn says and Poe knocks again and calls out "Rey open up is just us". Finn tries the handle and the door opens. He slowly pushes it open. She is curled up in the corner of the room, head on her knees, she doesn't look up. She sniffs and instantly they can tell she is crying. Pushing the door too behind him Finn rushes to her side. Poe does the same, they had never seen her cry before.

Neither of them said anything to start with. Finn put a hand on her shoulder and she collapsed into him, he instantly wrapped her in a hug, sobbing in his arms. He rubbed small circles in her back. Finally it's Poe who speaks up first " Rey what's wrong?" He asks slowly in a calm tone. She shakes her head and continues to cry. After a few minuets her breathing evens out and they realise she has stopped crying. Finn lifts her head up with his hand so she is looking at him. He wipes away a tear of her cheek, then asks "what's wrong?".

She takes a breath before replying "I messed up the mission... I can't do one again... it's not fair for me to put you all in danger....I should have said something, I know I should have but I never brought my self to tell people" she says eyes fixated on Finn. "What do you mean? You didn't mess up the mission, we got the book" Poe says, Rey turns to look at him, still leaning on Finn. "You got the book, I was no help at all" she says. "You just couldn't find it, there was a lot there and you were under pressure " Poe says, putting a reassuring hand on hers. "That's not what I couldn't find it-" she pauses , both of the boys wait for her to continue. "-haven't you noticed how every time we have a mission I ask one of you what it is because I was 'to busy' to read it" she says using her fingers as quotation marks. Suddenly it clicks with both of the boys. "You can't read" Finn says. Rey shanks her head "I grew up alone in the middle of the desert, I leaned to speak languages from hearing others but never wrote or read any" she says looking at her lap.

"Do you want us to teach you?" Poe asks. Rey looks up at him, thinking what to say. Neither of them push her, they sit quietly waiting for her to decide. Rey slowly nods "please" she says sheepishly. "I have the perfect thing, be right back" Poe says getting up and walking out the door. Rey curls back into Finn, finding comfort in his strong arms. The sound of his heartbeat relaxing her. Finn kisses the top of her head and pulls her into a tighter hug, he hated seeing her like this.

Shortly after Poe came back into the room. He sat up on Rey's bed "it's more comfy than the floor" he said then patter the bed next to him. Rey reluctantly stood up, not wanting to leave Finns grip. He stood up to, placing his hand on Rey's back, letting her know he was right behind her. She sat next to Poe and Finn sat next to Rey. "Books are horrible to read unless you want to read them. So I though this may at least interest you" Poe says handing her a book about being a pilot, from a pilots point of view, yes I was old and kind of tatty but it was Poe's favourite book. Rey took the book from him great fully, looking it over.

They sat for over 5 hours. Poe teaching Rey some words and Finn helping with others. However after 6 hours had passed Poe stared to read some of the book. Rey was getting frustrated at the big words which came towards the middle. She had successfully read 2 chapters. As Poe got onto his 5th chapter he looked over at Finn and Rey, only to see them fast asleep. Finn was sat up straight, leaning on the headboard, arm over Rey's shoulder. Her head was rested on his chest still facing Poe, her legs draped over Poe's as he was lent on her upper legs reading. He put a mark on the chapter they were in before closing the book. He was about to move and go back to his own room when Rey moved, pulling Finns arm tighter around her, without opening her eyes she reached for Poe's arm, sliding her fingers down until she reached his hand. She laced her fingers with his before smiling gently. She was doing this in her sleep, he could tell. All those years spent alone it must be wonderful for her to finally have people she can touch and hug. A huge smile spread across his face when he though of how she trusted him. Him and Finn, the most out of everyone - well she only really trusted, Leia, Luke and Chewy besides them too. He put one hand on her knee before squeezing Rey's hand in his, leaning his head back he drifts off to sleep as well.

In the morning when they wake, they have all ended up lying down under the covers, still a tangle of limbs - Rey still in the middle of her boys. That's what they were Her boys. There isn't a thing they wouldn't do for her and not a thing she wouldn't do for them. She finally had a home with people who loved her.

It took roughly 2 weeks to get Rey fully reading. She's a fast learner. There are still words she doesn't know how to read, those are usually names of people or planets, most of the time Poe isn't exactly shire either.
Now any chance Rey gets she is reading. Whenever Poe needs one of his books or instruction manuals he goes straight to Rey's room because she has stolen, or 'borrowed forever' as she likes to call it, all of his books. He doesn't mind, not one bit. Sometimes after missions he will bring her back books. She makes him and Finn sit on the bed either side of her while she reads her new books to them. Anytime she doesn't know how to do something she asked them now, she has confidence to ask them knowing they will help the best they can. Well there was the odd thing she had to ask the general because she felt weird asking a boy. But otherwise everything she ever needs to know they help her with.

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