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Finnrey fluff

They told me to make her fall in love I had to make her smile and laugh. But every time she does im the one who falls in love, all over again.


Ever since that day all he can do is picture her face. Every dip, every curve, every mark - Each as beautiful as the last. He pictured the way she tired her hair in those three buns, how a few strands of hair that weren't quite long enough to reach the tie, would fall down her face. The way she smiled when she fixed a ship or found something funny!

5 months. She had been gone for 5 months. Thankfully he was in a coma for 4 of those - if he wasn't he would have gone crazy without her. He nearly did, but today is the day she is finally coming back. It's the talk of the base. She's brining the great Luke Skyewalker with her, that had everyone stood at the front of the base, looking for the familiar shape of the falcon in the skies.

Among the people at the front were, Leia, Poe, Finn, Jesika, C3Po and many more.

Finn had been training constantly over the past month, trying to get back to his normal self. Thankfully he could stand and walk -slowly- without any aid.

The falcon touches ground, moments later the engine dies out. Then the ramp lowers. That's when it becomes silent, everyone waiting in anticipation. First to exit is R2-D2. C3-PO waddles over with a spring in his step. R2 bleeps in which C3 responds "No I have not, how dare you". It's as if all R2 does is insult him. Next to walk off is chewy, the crowd cheers . He nods as he walks towards Leia. Then two hooded figures walk off, side by side, each move in sync. The both lifted their hoods as they walked - at a steady pace towards them. That's when Finns smile reached his ears. She looked absolutely stunning in her Jedi Robes.

As they walked Rey looked at Luke. Without looking he simply nods, -they must have so Jedi mind stuff going on, Finn thinks- Rey looks back at Finn huge grin on her face as she sprints towards him. She looked badass walking off the falcon like she did but now all she sees is him. All he has seen since they met is her. Moments later she crashes into his arms and he picks her up and spins her round. She squeezes him so tight, like she is afraid if she lets go he will disappear. In that moment everything slows down for Finn.

Her. That's all he cares about right now. That's all he sees, and smells, and feels. Her whole body pressed to him. He is unable to put her down, he just wants to keep her here forever, never let her out of his sight again. But he does out her down. Hands still on the small of her back, hers still wrapped around his neck. "I missed you" he says grin taking over his face. "I missed you too" she whispers before kissing his cheek.

That's when it all goes blurry. The feel of her lips pressed to his cheek radiates throughout his body. He is sure she's part Jedi part Angel. He just stands staring into her eyes.

Unfortunately he gets snapped back into reality when her arms retreat from his neck. He reluctantly releases his grip of her then begins to step away, only to find her stepping to the side of him, grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers. "The last time I saw you you were nearly dead, I'm not letting you out my sight any time soon" she says not looking at him. Leia starts to talk drawing both their attentions to her. Finn can't help stroke small circles with his thumb on her hand. He had thought about holding her hand a lot, they had held hands before, but that was when they were on Jakku running from TIE fighters. This time it was different, it had a different emotion behind it. This time is wasn't out of fear it was out of faith. Faith that the other person is there now, that this isn't some weird dream.

But it's not all of it is real. She is back and there is nothing that would make him happier.

Luke looks over at them, glancing at their hands then at Rey, it seems as if the are talking through the force. Finn looks at Luke's expressions in every detail. He makes a face which Finn thinks is a 'are you sure' one but he doesn't really know. However in response Rey lifts their hands up and over her head, so his arm is round her shoulders and hers is across her chest keeping their fingers locked together. Luke simply nods before turning his attention back to Leia. Finn thinks Luke does that a lot. Just nod in answer to things.

Leia continues to talk as she starts to walk inside. They all follow her. Finn and Rey still piratically linked at the hip.

This was something he could get used too.
Which it was. There was never a time in which they weren't touching in some way, wether that was their feet as they sat in mess, or walking through the base hand in hand.

He felt that he was not only close to her but he didn't know where he ended an she began.
He wanted to kiss her. Not because he wanted to feel the softness of her fair lips or the warmth of her breath as she exhales against him. He wanted to kiss her because he can't think of any other way to fully express the beauty that she is. He wanted her to know that he sees her as perfect. That she is perfect.

So that's exactly what he did.

She was stressed about a level of her training. Pacing up and down in his room ranting about everything, talking 200 miles an hour. Finn stood up from the bed, stepped in front of her and pressed his lips to hers as she was mid sentence.  No other body contact, his arms stayed by his side. Pulling away after a few seconds. "You will be fine, you are one of the strongest people I know. And your gonna blow his mind with how awesome you are". There was a small chance he just messed up completely, now he was the one panicking. Then a smile spreads across her face. "About time" she says with a wink. Grabbing his shirt by the collar she pulls him back to her, connecting their lips once again. He gently puts his hands on her hips, hardly making any contact.

"I won't break you know" she says looking at him. Finn rambles struggling with his words. That's when Rey realises, this is the fist time either of them have done this. And he is going to be the most nervous, used to following orders, so she decides to take control. She kisses him this time, cutting his words off. Slowly she backs then up until they reach the bed. She pushes him lightly so he sits, she straddles his lap grabbing his hands and putting them on her ass, before putting hers back in his hair. Finn becomes more and more confident before he flips their position, her lay under him, their bodies pressed together but his weight hardly on her. She giggles at the movement.

After a few minuets he removes his lips from her causing her to pout, which is quickly replaced with a moan when his lips come in contact with her neck. He kisses every part of it. He bites slightly behind her ear, she pulls at his hair, keeping his head close, encouraging him to keep going.
That's all they do is kiss, lips, faces, necks, every inch of those smothered with kisses as they flip positions every now and then. After a few hours they curl up in bed, the night getting later.

The taste of her on his tongue better than anything in the galaxy. The feel of her hands in his hair, on his chest. Her adorable giggle when he finds a sport in which she is ticklish. The sparkle in her eyes or the smile on her face. Everything about her was absolutely perfect to him. He must have been thinking out loud cause she leaned over and kissed him once on the lips. "You taste like black coffee and 3am" she snuggled her head back onto his chest "and I can't say I hate it" she whispers. "Now sleep" she says, sliding her hand across his chest to rest on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes, arm wrapped around her shoulder legs tangles with hers. No where else he would rather be.

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