Late night visits|Kai Parker

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Requested by kmmk2323-

" goodnight sweetheart" my parents say in unison as I head out of their bed room and into mine. It was about 11pm and I just came back from the movies with Kai. Yeah I know what you think , what are you doing with that sociopath but ever since he merged with Luke and Bonnie actually forgave him for leaving her in his prison world he's had a big changed like even my parents are quite fond of him.

" hey there oli" I say petting my German Shepard who was waiting for me on my bed. I go to my drawers and pull out some clean pajamas and underwear. I grab my robe and go on and take a quick shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I get in bed and open my laptop too Netflix. Oli cuddles by me on my bed and I put on the fosters. It's 11:48 on a Friday night so why not watch some Netflix.

As I was starting too watch the series , I hear my bed room door creek open. I hear oli whimper. The door then open and shuts as quietly as possible and then a Cheeky Kai appears. " are you insane! My parents are still up " I say getting up and smacking him in the arm. " relax I used a cloaking spell" he says. " are you forgetting that my parents are also witches and know every trick in the book. " stop worrying Y\N , I put them under a deep sleep spell , they should be up in ten hours " he says sitting on my bed and petting Oli.

" you're crazy " I say shaking my head. " I don't get why you don't just move in with me you're 23 years old, you shouldn't even be living with your parents " he says. " I'm in college Kai I can't afford to be paying bills like that , I can barely pay my phone bill " I say getting back in bed. " you don't need to worry about that , you know that , I'll have everything under control " he says getting up and taking his hoodie , shoes and pants off  leaving him in his boxer briefs and white tee.

" stop checking me out " he says folding his clothes. " can't help it you have a cute butt " I say and he gives me a look. He absolutely hates me commenting on his butt or any of his physical appearance for that matter. 

" what are you watching?" He asks as he gets into my bed looks at my laptop. " the fosters " I say as I hit play. " woah wait they're a couple?" Kai asks as he realizes the two women from the series are married." Yes Kai.." I say. " that's... Cool I mean I've been locked away for 18 years so I haven't really seen something like this on tv" he says. " well , welcome too 2016" I say.

" so can I ask you a quick question?" He says , he really can never seem to shut up. " what is it" I sigh pausing the episode. " would you ever consider .. You know like moving in with me?" He asks shyly which is odd of him acting like this , he's usually very confident with himself.  Before I can answer he speaks up again. " I mean , you don't have too right now but we have been dating for over a year now and I really care about you and I would really enjoy coming home too you and-" I cut him off. 

" of course , I'd love too but I just can't afford it babe " I say caressing his face. " I don't want you too worry about anything , just finish your schooling I'll worry about the rest " he says.

" fine " I say. " w-wait , soo.." He says. " I'll move in with you Malachai Parker " I say smiling and he smiles back. " you won't regret this , I love you " he says. " I love you too" I say kissing him.


A\N: vote and comment please I would love to hear some feedback and remember requests are open!

Kai Parker / Adam weaver/Chris wood Imagines |Requests are Open|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt