Tear Jerker|Kai Parker

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Requested by Kmmk2323

" I'm not watching a chick flick " Kai says as he enters my apartment with a bag of my favorite Chinese food.Kai and I have been dating for about nine months , ever since he's merged with his brother he's been different, the old Kai is still there but it's not as bad as before he has actual feelings now.

" you're out of luck cause you picked last time , and terminator movies are horrible and I sat through all of them in one night" I say following him to my kitchen. " you're movie taste is horrible Y/N" Kai says as he grabs two plates from the cupboard. " says the one who only watches anything that Sylvester Stallone or Bruce lee is in" I say as I take the food out of the paper bag. " Hey! Bruce lee is a legend " he fights back and I laugh.

We serve ourselves some food and I sit on the couch with all the blankets and pillows. I play start and the best of me starts playing. " here we go " Kai mutters to himself. I roll my eyes and go back to the movie and my food.

Through the whole movie shockingly Kai isn't saying snarky comments like usual he actually looks intrigued by it. When the guy dies in the movie I start hearing snuffles but it's not coming from me. I turn slowly and see Kai actually crying , I've never seen him cry he's told me he has but never has he done it in front of me. " babe.." I say taking his hand. He snaps out of his trance and wipes his eyes like nothing ever happened. " uh what?" He says clearing his throat and composing himself. " aww my baby was crying " I say trying to hug him and he tries to pull away. " it's my brothers stupid feelings " he mutters. " it's okay too cry , it's good to cry " I say caressing his cheek. " it's just sad , it reminded me a little of you and I , like he wasn't loved in his family's household like me and a beautiful girl falls in love with like him and all his demons and the he dies and his heart lives in her kid like what fuck?" He says starting to tear up again.

" I know .. I'm sorry I made you watch this movie " I say hugging him. " no I'm glad you did , it made me realize how lucky I am to still have you " he says pulling away from the hug and kissing me. " I love you Y/N " he says. " I love you too Malachai " I say kissing him.


A/N: hope you guys enjoyed that , please vote and comment , remember requests are open!!

Kai Parker / Adam weaver/Chris wood Imagines |Requests are Open|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt