"Is that a request?" Jack chuckled. In his peripheral, Alex saw him coat his fingers in lube, all the time palming himself through his suit trousers. He let out a low moan in response, arching his back and pushing out his ass.

Quietly, Jack walked to the door and locked it, pulling across a small curtain to cover the window in the door with his unlubed hand. Just to be safe, he drew the curtains as well, despite being on the second floor of the building. The lights in the room suddenly seemed too harsh, too bright without the soft filter of natural daylight, so Jack pressed the switch and let the muted sunlight that came through the translucent material of the curtains illuminate the room.

He strode back to Alex and, without warning, slid his pointer finger into him. That earned him a low, lust-filled groan from Alex, and Jack knew immediately that Alex had been stretching himself – that, or he was being fucked by someone else. That thought made him growl, deep and guttural and primal in the back of his throat, and he easily worked another finger in. Alex moaned and thrust back into Jack's hand, practically fucking himself. When his fingers brushed against the small bundle of nerves that he was searching for, Alex finally gave in and shouted out Jack's name, along with a variety of creative swear words.

Jack froze – this was his main worry about fucking Alex here. He was so loud, something that Jack usually loved but hated right now. He withdrew his fingers, slapping Alex's gorgeous ass again when he moaned, and hastily unknotted his tie. He rounded the desk and shoved it into Alex's mouth as a bundle of material, effectively gagging him. "No noise," he ordered, winding his hair around his fingers and tugging sharply, so Alex looked at him. "You make any noise and you will be sorry." He released the tuft of hair and returned to his original position, this time cramming in all three fingers.

Judging from Alex's moan, he was stretched enough, so Jack only scissored a few times before pulling out and grabbing the lube once more, yanking his trousers and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring out, coating it liberally with lube. "Don't make a noise. Don't move. Don't touch yourself," Jack ordered, preparing to push in.

Alex, mindful of Jack's instructions, did nothing to indicate his excitement, but just quivered happily. He groaned behind the gag when he felt the sweet stretch of Jack's cock and gripped the edge of the desk to support himself. He hissed when Jack dug his nails into his hips.

"No sounds," Jack reminded him, pulling him back so his cock was fully sheathed inside his hole, and it took everything that Alex had inside of him (heh) not to scream out.

Jack was merciless in his fucking, massively different to how he had been when taking Alex's virginity. His mouth hurt from being stretched open by the gag, his arms and legs hurt from supporting himself, his cock hurt from being swollen and not being touched, and his entire body hurt from being slammed against the desk repeatedly, but he felt so good from Jack's fucking that he gave no shits about anything else.

There was a white-hot pleasure, starting in his lower stomach and going all the way down to his toes. He couldn't help moaning loudly, and despite the gag muffling him his noises were dangerously vocal. Jack didn't seem to have noticed, just focusing on driving into him hard and fast, his fingers making small dents in his skin from his grip, and occasionally yanking his head back by grabbing a chunk of his hair.

Alex was choking behind his gag now, and he just wanted to come so badly. As if Jack could read his mind, he finally reached forward and stroked his cock steadily in time with his thrusts. Now not even the gag could hold back his moans. He was vocal during sex, something that Jack had always loved.

With a few, quick, final thrusts, Jack came. He stilled inside him, his cock throbbing as he released his hot and sticky come into Alex's hole. He forgot his own rules and shouted out Alex's name loudly, pulling him back as he raked his nails down his pale back.

Taboo (Verboten sequel) (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now