Chapter 15:Vizier

Start from the beginning

Vodrai frowned."Oh? How do you reason that?"

He hesitated, then sighed."Well, you've been very forthcoming, so I suppose it is only fair I repay in kind." He looked at her."What would you do...if your soldiers, your fellow commanders, all gathered for something that you opposed?"

Vizier had been a young noble at the time. His father had been killed in the war, and so, at the young age of only fifteen, he assumed the duties of his estate under the new king. He had been tending to accounts of the realm in his office when he had heard a knock at his door. He looked up."Oh! Lord Valga! To what-"

The noble, who did not yet have grey hair laced throughout his Fauxmen black, smiled."Greetings Vizier." He walked in, then turned, scowling as he put a hand out to stop his attendant."Vikram! What have I said about entering a room with a lord present!"

Vikram, a younger man, not yet having earned the scar across his face, bowed his head to Vizier."Beg pardon. May I enter?"

Vizier blinked, then nodded."Of course...pray tell, how did a Vraiman come to be your servant, Valga?"

The elder noble laughed."Odd story that! Once, he was a commander in the king's army. When I was captured by them, he talked them out of feeding me to wolves. I managed to escape, and the king had him whipped, thinking he'd helped. So, he followed my trail and joined my army instead."

Vizier smiled."I see..." He noted a few scrolls at his side."And a Mage, no less! Quite the servant! So, lord-"

Valga raised a hand."Please, we're equals now, no need for that." He smiled."I came to recruit you for a little revolution, my friend."

Vizier frowned."A revolution?"

Valga smiled."One to put Fauxmen on top. Their idiot king let us keep our power, so...with their trust, and assassins in the right places at the right time...we could overthrow it in a day!"

He frowned."...Why? He's been gracious to us by letting us keep our lives, not to mention our titles. Such an act is-"

Valga's cheery expression turned dark."You wouldn't betray your people now, would you? After all, we're not even asking you to fight. Just march your army through to make a show and pretend you know nothing."

He hesitated, and Valga added "After all, we prefer to keep the blood on their side of things."

Vizier winced, but nodded."Of...of course Lord Valga."

The older man clapped a hand on his shoulder."Enough of that! Like I said, we're both equal here."

Vodrai blinked." went along with it?"

He sighed."Had to, or I'd have been killed, and any of my relatives who didn't share my fate...well, they'd have-"

"Ended up like my father." She finished distastefully.

He nodded."I do not feel shame for my fear is what came later that I regret, and what I must live with."

Vodrai leaned forward, interested."And what would that be?"

He sighed."...It was the day the Republic was established...."

"-All Fauxmen are murderers, and any who stand by and listen to this nonsense are just as bad!" The words of the noble girl were especially stinging to Vizier, for he had done exactly that. Stood by while the plans were made, done nothing as they planned assassinations, come up with a way to deal with noble children, thought only of his own safety and done nothing to stop it.

Valga looked down as Vikram was slashed across the face and sighed, holding out his hand."Crossbow."

Vizier hesitated only a moment, then handed it to him. He could do nothing now, for the revolution had begun, and this girl had no chance of leading a second, it would only tear the nation apart even more. Valga lifted it up, aimed, and fired. After the girl fell, he dropped the crossbow and laughed."Long live the Republic of Vrai!"

Vodrai blinked."I've heard that story...So you gave him the crossbow, eh?" She sighed."Well...maybe it'll help you with the lord. He'll make your death quick."

He smiled."Well...I apologize for the deceit, but I think we've rather had a reversal of fate."

She blinked and turned, seeing that all of her men had been knocked out.

Viviara smiled."Mmm....Soldiers are always so weak-willed. Easy to manipulate all at once." She laughed, pulling out a knife."But, since you're a woman..."

She trailed off, seeing Vodrai's eyes widen at the sight of her. She swayed from side to side, and her eyes followed her. Vivaria smiled."Haha! I got it to work on a woman!" She smiled and walked forward excitedly."Hello there. Aren't you just a pretty one."

Vodrai shuddered."Um, er, uh....D-don't sa-"

She smiled and hugged her." about you just sleep for me, alright?"

Vodrai blinked, nodding obediently and falling asleep immediately.

She set her down, chuckling."Must've gotten better! Never worked on a woman before!"

Vizier considered telling her the truth about this woman, but decided against it."Very well done daughter. Now, let us work to find our guards, hmm?" They rushed off, leaving unconscious guards and a commander smiling in her sleep.

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