Coming Face To Face. •13•

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I saw his face fall. That's never a good sign.

"Okay... What about him?" He warily asked.

"Have you been talking to him behind my back? Don't lie to me."

He casted his eyes downward and I sighed.

"What have you two been talking about? Seriously, tell me the truth." I demanded, getting up from the ground and moving to the chair across from him.

He sighed and glanced at me before speaking. "He wants me to break your heart. He wants me to destroy you, so he can swoop in and save you. I'm sorry I never told you before. I should've, but I didn't want to freak you out or scare you, so I kept quiet. I've been thinking about how to do it so I don't actually break your heart, it just seems like I did. I never want to. I agreed to do it, I don't know why, but ever since we started dating, I changed my mind. I just have to find a way to get Conner off my back about it. Please don't hate me Aden. I hate myself for it." He pleaded.

He was going to hurt you. But he didn't. But he was going to. You can't forgive him for that. So what if he was going to? He didn't, and that's what matters.

"I could never hate you, Bay. Yes, I'm not happy that you were thinking about it, but you didn't do it and that's what matters." I told him, going over to sit next to him.

"Really?" He asked.

I nodded. "Thank you for telling me." I smiled, causing one back from him.

"Now, I have an idea about this whole 'Conner' thing." I said, smirking.

"Oh really now? Do tell."

• • •

I was walking down the hallway to my locker when I was shoved into the wall next to me.

"Great. Here this comes again," I muttered and pushed off the wall, turning to face whoever it was.

"Oh look, it's you." I crossed my arms over my chest as the groups of guys smirked. If you can't beat them, why not confuse them?

"He's alone again. No one to save you. Let's take this outside where no one can hear you scream."

"Can I at least have a name for your group? Like seriously, I've never seen you before and you just attack me without a name? Rude bro. Also, you don't need to manhandle me. I have two legs, I can walk." I said and started walking to the doors that led outside.

I didn't hear their footsteps behind me, making me look over my shoulder at the group of dumbfounded guys.

"You coming?" I asked.

"Uh, why are you allowing us to beat you up? Why are you encouraging it?" One stood out from the others.

"Because I have no way to stop it, so why not just get it over with? By the way, what's your name?"

"Why should we tell you, you'll just go tattle on us."

I laughed, "That's where you're wrong. I have no reason to tattle on you. What good is that gonna do me?"

Coming Face to Face.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon