"Em?" I asked. She walked closer to me.

"Turn around and close your eyes." She said smiling. I did what she said and turned around. I then felt her put dining around my neck.

"Open them" she said and she hugged me from the back. I opened my eyes and looked down. It's a beautiful silver necklace with the Eiffel Tower and on the back it had an A on it. It was so beautiful I started to tear up. I turned around to look at her.

"This is for me?"

"Of course. I wanted to give you your gift before everyone was here." She said grabbing my hands.

"Emily it's beautiful! Thank you so much! I love you." I said. She leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss.

"I love you too. Happy birthday Ali." I have her a hugged and admired my necklace.

After about 20 minutes, people started coming and by 11pm, everyone was drunk. Hanna made sure she brought extra drinks. It was such a great night. All my friends where here; Aria, Spencer, Toby, Hanna, Caleb, Ezra. Emily was here. And so was a bunch of other people. But from time to time I would see Emily walk away and come back later with her hair messed up or something. I didn't think to much of it. A slow song came on. It was Emily's and i's song, "Sad Song" By We The Kings.  But I couldn't find Emily to come dance with me. I walked up to Hanna, maybe she knew where  she was. "Do you know where Emily is?"
She looked at me confused. "No. Did you try up stairs?" I shook my head and started to walk up stairs.

Once I got up there I started checking all the rooms. Emily wasn't in any of them. The last room was my own. I was about to walk in but I realized the door was closed. But I remember it being open. I put my ear up to the door and heard two girls laughing and what sounded like kissing.

I felt my whole body get tense. I slowly open the door and cover my mouth from what I see.

Emily and Paige where kissing. She was here. They were here in my room. I felt my whole heart drop and shatter. Emily doesn't even hear me come in. I take a step back and and I bumped  my leg on my dresser. Emily instantly shot up and looked at me.

"Ali.." She trailed off.
I felt so many tears start coming down my cheeks. Paige gets up right away and bursts out of the room, closing the door. It was just Emily and I in the room.

"How could you.." I asked. She was crying now too.

"Ali I'm sorry. I made a mistake."

"You're sorry? Why would you do this to me? I love you! And on my birthday?!" I screamed.

"I know I know I'm sorry. And I love you too! You have to believe me."

"How the hell could I believe you? What made you choose her over Me?" I was full on screaming now. Tears just kept coming.

"Alison I don't know. I do love you.."

"Bull shit!" I yelled. She started to walk towards me and grab my hand.

"Ali---" she started but I cut her off.

"Don't touch me!" We stood in silence then I hear what part of our song was playing. It was our favorite part because we thought it describes how we love each other.

"You're the perfect melody
The only harmony I want to hear.
You're my favorite part of me.
With you standing next to me I have nothing to fear."

When she realized what song it was and part of the song it was she looked straight at the floor.

"I need you to leave." I said with my voice breaking.

"A-are you breaking up with me?" She asked crying.

I nodded my head and opened the door for her to leave.

She slowly nodded her head and walked out. I slammed the door behind her staying up there crying. The girls found me crying and I explained to them what happened. They were so mad at Emily. Hanna went down stairs and told everyone to get out. She came back about 5 minutes later saying that everyone gone. I stayed up that whole night crying.

Emily's POV:

How could I be this stupid? What was I thinking ?? I lost her. I really lost her. I went into my house and went straight in to the room. I through things, screamed, and punched the wall. Later, I just say in my bed crying through the whole night. It was supposed to be a special night for the both of us, mostly her of course. We were supposed to spend time together, because tomorrow I leave to California for college.

I wake up and I get my things ready.i say good bye to my mom then  I head straight to the airport. Ali hasn't left my mind yet.

Alison's POV:

I only slept for about 3 hours.  I look at the clock. It's 9:45. Emily would be on her plane to California. She broke me. She really broke me. I don't think a day will go by where I won't think about Emily Fields.

Emison- 5 Years Without Herजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें