Chapter 1

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I awoke on a bed of golden flowers hurt and alone, and I had no idea how I had gotten down here but something about this seemed familiar somehow.

I walked forward and ran into what was a talking flower. "Hi my name is Flowey, Flowey the flower". He said so innocently. I didn't respond I just kept listening to what he had to say to me. He started talking about LOVE. I went to collect the friendliness pellets but they hurt me. Flowey laughed an evil laugh and when I thought it was over someone saved me.

Wait why am I explaining all of the beginning when it has been told many times I might as well just skip ahead.

I couldn't control myself I kept following Toriel with murderous intentions but I didn't want to hurt her. She said to me "you want to leave so bad then prove to me, prove to me that you are strong enough". We started to fight no matter how hard I tried to resist to not fight I couldn't control my actions. I had ended up killing Toriel I heard myself laugh as she turned to dust but I didn't want her to die do why was I laughing. Why am I laughing I don't get it why can't I control myself and why does this place feel so familiar.

I walked forward and eventually got to the end of the ruins and as I started nearing the end of the path I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and took his hand when I heard fart noises I wanted to laugh but I remained expressionless and when I looked in his eyes it was then I knew why everything around me felt so familiar. I tried to scream out to Sans to warn him that I couldn't control myself I wanted to protect him and everyone, but nothing would come out and instead I remained expressionless.

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