Chapter 61

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I stepped outside and looked around me, the sky was bright blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sun was very warm on my skin and I breathed in the fresh American air, I started walking towards the local park that I have walked past a few times with Brad. Once I got there I walked along the field to see some dogs running around, some couples spending some time with each other and some little children playing by the lake. I took a few photos with Dean's camera of the lake with the sun rays reflecting off of it, they weren't very good photos but I'm not a photographer.

I walked around a bit more and took some pictures of the trees and the view from the top of a hill that I climbed up, I walked back down the hill and around the lake. It is so peaceful here, I wish Brad was with me right now...

I sat down for a little while by the lake and thought things through, I need to make a decision about my parents. I have a month left to decide, I have already looked at the positives and negatives for each side but that hasn't helped because they both have positives and negatives. I feel like I should stay with dad though, he is closer to Brad and Connor. I wouldn't have to travel very far to get to college either which will be nice, but I won't be able to see mum or explore London like I have always wanted to do. I know I keep repeating my thoughts but I just can't decide, I feel like I have to stay with dad... Even though Brad told me not to let him or Connor sway my decision they kind of are, I don't want to leave them and if I do go with mum then me and Brad might not work out in a long distance relationship. I don't want to loose Brad...

*beep beep*
I heard my phone in my pocket and took it out to see a message from Brad:
1 message from Brad:
Hey baby girl, I am just texting you to make sure that you are ok :) xx

1 message to Brad:
Hey Braddy, I'm fine thank you. Are you ok? Xxx

1 message from Brad:
Yeah I'm good thanks, what are you up to? Xxxx

1 message to Brad:
I am exploring America like I said I would... Well... As much of it as I am allowed to explore. There isn't anything touristy around here and I can't get a bus anywhere so I am just looking around the parks. Xxxxx

1 message from Brad:
I'm sorry, I know how much you wanted to go sight seeing. Xxxxxx

1 message to Brad:
It's fine, I'm not here for sight seeing. I'm here for you. Xxxxxxx

1 message from Brad:
Now I feel bad xxxxxxxx

1 message to Brad:
You don't need to feel bad, we are only here for your band. It's not a holiday or anything, I don't mind. Xxxxxxxxx

1 message from Brad:
I promise I will make it up to you :) I love you baby xxxxxxxxxx

1 message to Brad:
You don't need to make anything up to me because you have done nothing wrong and I love you too Braddy! Xxxxxxxxxxx

1 message from Brad:
Anyway, I have done a few interviews today and now I am about to go on live TV! I'm so nervous!! Xxxxxxxxxxxx

1 message to Brad:
Don't be nervous! You are going to smash it as Connor would say! Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 message from Brad:
Thank you babe, I have to go now. Enjoy the rest of your day and I will message you a bit later, only 10 more hours and then I can see you again! I love you baby, bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 message to Brad:
Ok, good luck! I love you too Braddy!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I love the way that we still do the kisses thing, I think it's adorable. I put my phone away and carried on exploring the park for a little while, I took a short walk up to the beach that I can see from mine and Brad's bedroom balcony. I walked along the sea front and took some pictures, once again they aren't very good but what do you expect from me? I sat on the sand for a little while and looked out towards the sea, I looked around and saw a lot of little kids on the beach. It must be the school holidays or something because I have been seeing a lot of children around recently, I also saw a lot of couples making out on the beach which I thought was cute. It does make me miss Brad even more though, I do feel safe with him but sometimes I feel like I need to come out of my comfort zone just a little bit.

I stood up and walked along the beach, I heard the chimes of the ice cream van and started to get a bit hungry. It is nearly midday so I should be thinking about getting some lunch soon, I don't know what I am going to eat though as we have no food in the apartment and there are limited amounts of places to eat here. I walked back up the beach and looked at the places to eat, in the end I just got some chips because I'm not starving but I am a bit peckish. I sat on the sea wall and ate them while looking at the children playing and watching the waves crash on the beach, I thought about my parents for a little while again but then stopped because I didn't want to get myself too upset over it. I think I am coming to a decision now anyway but I don't want to stick to it because I'm still not 100% sure, I don't think I will ever be 100% sure because it's not an easy decision to make and I didn't ever think I would have to make this decision.

Once I had finished eating I threw my chip bag in the bin and then walked back up to the apartment, I thought there would be a lot more to see around here than just a park and a beach but it turns out the area we are staying in has the least amount of tourist attractions ever. I guess I am just going to have to wait a few more years until I can actually go out and explore America, but I'm not here for me at the moment. I am here for Brad and the boys so I shouldn't be complaining about not being able to explore, I can do that another time when I can afford to come to America.

I took a 15 minute walk up to the apartment and let myself in, I put Dean's camera back and collapsed on to the bed. I still have another 9 hours without Brad, I have no idea what I am going to do. I am running out of ideas and I need to think of some more before I get bored out of my mind, I have nearly watched all of Brad's films. I have been debating about doing a follow spree on Instagram or Twitter recently but I don't think anyone would want me to follow them, I'm not the famous one so why would they want to follow me? They will probably just send me a load of hate anyway which is not what I want at the moment. I will just have to keep thinking of things to entertain myself with while I am alone for hours and hours a day.

Mum or dad?...

Hi guys, this part was more of a filler part to be honest. They are going to go to Australia soon so there will be some more stuff happening soon. I have decided that I'm not going to update the next part until it gets 10 reads because I feel like I am updating too much too fast. By the way I don't know if you saw but I posted on my other story Risk It All about how many reads it has got! It has now got 2.1k reads which is amazing, I never even thought people would read it let alone 2.1k of you! Thank you so much, I hope this story can get even more reads although I feel like Risk It All is a better story than this one. So yeah I am not going to update until this part gets 10 reads so you had better get reading and voting! Thank you!

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