"Ashton Irwin." My name was called.

Michael got up and wheeled me into a room, where the doctor was scribbling stuff down on a paper.

"Hello Ashton, I'm your new doctor. Dr. Shake," he smiled, taking my good hand into his firm grasp.

"Hello," I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Now sir, who is this young colorful lad with you?" Dr. Shake, asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at Michael's neon green hair.

I snorted, and Michael introduced himself as my friend.

"Alright gentlemen, let's get started," Dr. Shake said.

"Yes, let's," I smiled.

"I'm just going too get started, and get your arm cast off," Dr. Shake informed.

After a grueling ten minutes, which felt like ten hours, my cast was gone. The first thing I did was crack all my knuckles, and check my reflexes.

"It appears to me that you, won't be needing any physical therapy," Dr. Shake smiled.

Michael and I highfived, and the doctor chuckled as he grabbed a pair of crutches resting against the wall.

"Now Ashton, use these crutches wisely, no hitting, no tripping, no bumping your crutch in the air, and I will see you back here in, six weeks to get you, leg cast off," Dr. Shake said, walking the boys out of the room, and to the waiting room, where they bid farewells and parted ways.


"Bitch, get up I made pancakes," Michael whisper shouted in my ear.

"Fuck off, you whale willy," I groaned shoving my face in my pillow.

"I take offense to that, I look nothing like a whale's penis Ashton, now get up, eat, fix yourself then we will head to school," Michael scolded.

"Fine," I huffed.

By the time, I got around, and crutched my way to the table, Michael was done eating, and happened to be sitting on a chair at the table, absentmindedly spraying whipped cream in his mouth.

"Eat bitch, you have ten minutes," Michael said, noticing me only when I sat down at the table to eat.

"I want whipped cream," I whined.

He rolled his eye's and sprayed some on my pancake.

"Thanks," I mumbled shoveling down my food.

"Ashton, why didn't you tell me your dad left you?" Michael questioned.

"Y-you weren't supposed to *cough* know *cough cough*," I said trying to take a deep breath after choking on my pancake.

"Yeah, well I do now, and you have no choice in what I'm about to say. I'm having people come in today and pack up the stuff in your room, you're coming to live with my mom and I, just a forewarning, she doesn't like being called by her first name, so you are to call her Mum, or Mama Bird, now come on we need to leave," Michael said.

I hesitantly got up grabbing my crutches, mulling over all the stuff Michael had just spewed out.


School is different now since the accident, people were treating me nicely, and actually saying more than one word, to my face.

This was new, and I was completely content with it, until, he happened.

Mr. Luke-Fucking-Hemmings.

He was standing at my locker, with a smirk on his face. The smirk wasn't full of cockiness, it was full of evil. An evilness so evil, that even the devil would run away crying. Although since I know Luke, there's no major bite behind his bark, so that smirk is most likely from him thinking that the words he is about to say will hurt me.

"Irwin, Clifford," Luke said, sneering when saying Michael's last name.

"Hemmings," Michael and I said in unison.

"Ashton, I have come to propose, an offer," Luke stated.

"I really don't care for you, and I'm sure no one does seeing as you're a fag, but I am willing to stop bullying you, if you give me a chance, and let's just say, if you don't, I'll leak the video, that I told you I deleted oh so many years ago," Luke said, smirking when seeing my jaw drop.

"It's your choice, you either take it or leave it, text me when you decide, Loser," Luke said sauntering off.

Without a word, I turned to my locker, preparing myself for Michael's oncoming questions.

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