Chapter eleven

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She was like nothing. No desire, no passion, just a distant soul.
"Maya." She had been lost in her own little world when the sound of her name snapped her back into it. She hadn't heard the question.
"Maya." He repeated. It was too late. She had zoned back out so quickly. She was blocking out all of the sounds. Who cared if she answered or not? What were they gonna do? It just didn't matter to her.
There was a tap on her shoulder. She flinched at changing back to the world. Cory bent down by her desk.
"You need to go to the nurse." She looked up at him. He noticed how she looked like she had come from far, far away. Her eyes drifted up from his and to the back corner of the room where two girls were whispering to each other and smirking at Maya. Lucas looked to were she was looking. He stood up immediately, his face red and his fist clenched.
"Don't." He heard the familiar voice say. "They didn't do anything." He felt the tension all unravel. He couldn't help but obey her. He sat back down, still angry.
"Riley? Bring her to the nurse?"
"I'm not going." Said the blond girl, changing from upset and distant to stubborn and cross.
"You do as I say. To the nurse." He stood back up.
"Come on, Maya." Said Riley.
"If I have to go then I will walk there by myself." She stood up and left the room. Lucas kept looking back at girls the thought the class. He was beyond angry. After class, Cory went to the nurse to make sure that Maya had gone. The nurse told her that she had not come.
"I'm right here." Said the girl behind him. "I came. Are you happy?"
"You were supposed to go a half hour ago." He turned around. "Your forehead." His voice shook and concern. The side of her forehead was swollen and blue.
"Someone opened a locker that I was behind. It was an accident." It was close to the truth. Someone had actually closed the locker door on her head. He stared at her for a minute. She seemed so small. Not just physically. She was so tired and looked so vulnerable. He turned back to the nurse.
"I need you to help her with her head first and then weigh her."
"I don't want to be weighed."
"I don't care if that's what you want. That is what is going to happen." She felt a hand grab her arm from behind and bring her all the way inside and to the scale.
"You head?" Asked Lucas.
"It was an accident."
"Take off your shoes, Maya." She turned back to Lucas.
"Please." She looked down at her fet and then nodded, taking them off by holding the heal of the shoes down with her foot.
"Alright, step on, please." Said the nurse. She looked at the scale for a second.
"No." She changed her mind.
"Maya." Said Lucas.
"I'm not getting on it."
"I already know how much you lost as of Friday. How much more could you have lost?" She stared at him for a second. She knew that she was about twenty pounds underweight, now. He shouldn't know that.
"I'm afraid it's not an option, Maya." Said the nurse. She took a breath and stepped up. She watched as the nurse began to slide the weights back across the beam. She watched it go down as well as Lucas and Cory. It felt like forever as she adjusted it to balance out. Maya stepped off the exact moment that she saw it balance out. They stared at the position of the weights.
"You are twenty one pounds underweight, Maya."

Rupture and Repair (gmw/Lucaya)Where stories live. Discover now