Chapter ten

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Maya was definitely pushing Lucas away now. She was speaking to him as little as possible. She only answered his texts with one or two words, wasn't answering calls, and had stayed out of sight all the time except for during classes.  Now it was Wednesday. She was about to enter history before it began because she hadn't stopped in the hallway to talk to anyone. She heard a voice. Lucas's. She stopped in the doorway.
"Well, when did she stop eating with your family?"
"About a month ago."
"See, it's all been in the past month. She's starving herself."
"I have to agree with you, Lucas. It was more than five pounds. I will talk to her after class."
"Can I stay?"
"I don't think that would best. She might not be comfortable."
"I'm not staying after class." She said, walking in and to her seat.
"You heard that?" Asked Lucas.
"And it's not true. I'm not starving myself."
"Then how do you explain never eating with us anymore and all of the weight loss."
"It was a couple of pounds. That doesn't make me sick or anything."
A few more students entered. Lucas didn't seem to care.
"Your sick. You're too skinny and you should be in a hospital! Your freaking anorexic." The students were staring at her now. She looked down trying to hide her wet eyes. Then she looked back up, her glass eyes filled with anger. Not a fierce anger, but a sad one.
"Ya... Thanks Lucas. Thank you for that." Her voice was shaking. "You're no different than them." She walked out.
"Maya!" Said Cory, running out after her. Lucas only stood, full of regret. He knew he had embarrassed her but he didn't know who 'them' was.
Cory couldn't find Maya so he returned to his class and it began.

Rupture and Repair (gmw/Lucaya)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ