Chapter five

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Maya woke up to really loud music in her ear.
"Lucas!" She said, sitting up, startled.
"Well now I know how to wake you up."
"Why are you here?"
"Because your on the way when I walk to school."
"So, you never came in here before."
"That means I can't now?"
"It's kinda illegal to climb in my window?"
"Well Riley wanted me to make sure that you went to her place this morning. She said you didn't yesterday."
"Ya, I was running late and from now on, I'm locking my window so that you can't blast fucking music in my ear." He was honestly surprised by her cussing. He had never heard it before.
"Jeez, Maya, if you don't want people climbing into your room, you gotta lock the window."
"Just get out." She said, standing up.
"Well, I'm already ready for school so I think I will just hang out here." He said, sitting on her bed. She grabbed her brush and went through her hair with it, quickly but thoroughly. Then she opened the drawer and grabbed a thick cardigan that went halfway down her thighs a t-shirt and some jeans. A few minutes later, she returned.
"Your gonna be late to Riley's." She plopped down on the bed next to him but also a reasonable distance away to put on her shoes.
"She's a big girl."
"But she's still your best friend."
Friend. Friends were too close. Friends knew everything. Peers were better.
"Well, It's too late now."
"You could probably still meet her at the subway."
"I think I'm gonna walk today."
"Can I come?"
"If you really wanna." She said, putting in her earbud. She only wore one of them in her ear because she wanted to always be aware of what was going on around her. She figured that they were better to walk around with in new York so she got them at the dollar store. They weren't great but they weren't bad at all. She grabbed her keys to the apartment and her backpack and they left.
He walked next to her but also just slightly behind her. They were silent until they got into the school.
"Hey, you didn't have breakfast."
"So, we need to get you something to eat."
"I'll be fine without it. Besides, schools gonna start in a minute."
"Here have part of my lunch." He said, grabbing an apple out of his bag as they entered history. She didn't take it.
"It's your food." The bell rang and Maya wished that people would leave her alone in the moment between the bell and Cory's lecture.

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