Chapter three

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"Maya, breakfast."
"Thanks mrs.Matthews but I am already running a bit late and I really need to talk to Mr.Matthews before school."
"You mean you are trying in school?" Asked Maya. They laughed, making Maya cross her arms insecurely.
"About what?"
"I had a question on the research paper."
"I'm still here." Said Cory, entering.
"My questions were about how the Byzantine Empire was able to preserve and spread Greek and Roman knowledge and culture."
"Did not expect that."
"Did you expect 'What's is the font size?'"
"Something along those lines." He said, not realizing that he was making her feel bad until her saw her move insecurely again. "I didn't mean that you were not capable of it."
"I guess I kinda set myself up for it."
He took the subway with the girls to school and answered Mayas two or three questions on the way which helped Maya tremendously.
"Sorry that I bothered you about it."
"Never be sorry about that. I'm glad that you are taking this seriously and your questions were very specific. Glad to see that your not hiding what you know." Maya smiled and then turned back to Riley.
"Your not a bad teacher, dad." said,
Riley, smiling at him.
"Glad to know."
And Maya made another change to herself. Using schoolwork as a distraction from eating, wether it was while she was alone eating or if she needed to get out of it, would almost always work.

Rupture and Repair (gmw/Lucaya)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ