Lazy Day on Berk and Ninjago

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Little_Nightfury posted to her circles on February 2, 2016 at 1:30 PM:

I'm sooooooo board!

Kai Master of Fire: Me too. No bad guys to go stop.

Astrid Hofferson H: Things have been rather quiet her on Berk (oddly enough). We've kept an eye out for the dragon hunters but nothing has come up.

Cole Master of Earth: +Astrid Hofferson H your the one getting married right?

Astrid Hofferson H: Yea that's me. But Hiccup and me have planned it to be in July. That's a long ways away!

Zane Nindriod Master of Ice: Congratulations Astrid. I hope you two live together happily.

Astrid Hofferson H: Thanks Zane ^^

Heather: I better be invited to that wedding.

Astrid Hoferson H: You are Heather. Don't worry.

Heather: What about +Dagur the Deranged? Will you let him come?

Astrid Hofferson H: Mmmmm....I guess that's up to Hiccup.

Dagur the Deranged: I hope brother invites me!

Little_Nightfury: Would you stop calling him brother? It is annoying him.

Kai Master of Fire: They're not brothers? Why does he call him that?

SkrillQueen: He's deranged duh! Little told me that you and the other ninja call each other brothers (and sister). 

Little_Nightfuy: How's Mr. Diva?

SkrillQueen: Slowly but surely!

Jay Master of Lightning: +SkrilQueen We call each other brother because we treat each other like family. From what Little has told us Dagur is not to nice....

Dagur the Deranged: I'm nice! I let Heather go instead of letting her get executed!

Heather: Your nice in some ways brother dear.

Little_nightfury: We've all got our own versions of everything! (+Lloyd Garmadon)

Little_Nightfury: +Lloyd Garmadon

Little_Nightfury: +Lloyd Garmadon!!!!

Astrid Hofferson H: Why do you keep tagging him?

Little_Nighfury: Because I want him to join the conversation. Is he hanging out with Max again?

Heather: Who's she?

Zane Nindriod Master of Ice: A girl we know. 

Dagur the Deranged: "hanging out with Max again" Is she his girlfriend?

Cole Master of Earth: And there goes the secret! falls onto bed and gives up

Astrid Hofferson H: Why is it a secret?

Jay Master of Lightning: Lloyd doesn't know that we know that he's dating her. But please don't tell him that we know!

Dagur the Deranged: Why are you keeping it  a secret?

Little_Nightfury: We want him to tell us when he feel ready to. Promise us that you won't say any thing?

Astrid Hofferson H: I won't say a thing!

Heather: Promise

Little_Nightfury: Dagur.....

Dagur the Deranged: I can only keep it a secret because I don't know where the portals on your island are.

Little_Nightfury: And you will NEVER know!

Dagur the Deranged: Yea I invited to the wedding?

Astrid Hofferson H: groans I'll go ask Hiccup.

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