The Punch of a Century!

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Little_Nightfury posted privately to Hiccup Haddock on January 9, 2016 at 7:30 AM

Hey Hiccup, I know I'm busy at the moment. But Tuff sent me a private message about you.

Hiccup Haddock: And what did it say?

Little_Nightfury: Well, he told me about that time where you saved Barf & Belch and they followed you everywhere. He also told me about you punching Snotlout when he called you a chicken. Care to explain?

Hiccup Haddock: You see if you save a Zippleback's life it'll serve you forever or until the it returns the favor.  Me and the twins tried putting me in fake danger so they would save me and leave me alone. But it wan't working. So......the twins decided to have Snotlout attack me without me knowing.

Little_Nightfury: Tuff told me that Snotlout needed ice afterwards. Is.....Is that true?

Hiccup Haddock: He did. He did loose a few teeth. I guess I punched him to hard.

Little_Nightfury: HE LOST TEETH!!!!!?????? OH MY THOR HICCUP! THAT IS AMAZING!!!! Oh I wish I was there!!!!! Do you think that you could do it again when I get back?

Hiccup Haddock: What? No!

Little_Nightfury: Oh come on. PLEASE! Your not known for being physically strong. The fact that he had to put ice on it and lost teeth is unbelievable! How 'bout a recreation? 

Hiccup Haddock: No! I'm not punching Snotlout for no reason.

Little_Nightfury: Ah come on. Vikings beat each other up for no reason anyway. Remember when you were made Acting Chief while Stoick went off on that hunt for that new wood around the time of the Regata (sorry for the misspell)? People were beating each other up then.

Hiccup Haddock: Becuase they were stressed. When vikings are stressed out they want to fight someone. It's natural.

Little_Nightfury: Exactly! It's natural! So when I get back you'll......

Hiccup Haddock: NO!

Little_Nightfury: Oh and your mother wanted me to talk to you about the whole "town wanting you to marry Astrid and your nervous about" thing.

Hiccup Haddock is offline.

Little_Nightfury: can go offline. But when I get back I will bug you to no ends dragon boy! I will witness the recreation of that amazing punch one day!

Little_Nightfury: Oh and to you about that marriage thing as well.

Little_Nightfury is offline.

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