Meet Max the Freerunner Gamer

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Jay Master of Lightning posted:

Hey guys! Guess who I met while in New Ninjago City?

Kai Master of Fire: Who? 

Jay Master of Lightning: +Maxie Stormy say hi to the gang!

Maxie Stormy: this really the ninja?

Cole Master of Earth: +Maxie Stormy yea we're the ninja. Jay, who is this?

Lloyd Garmadon: Jay I told you to not go searching for her! Uh....hi Max.

Maxie Stormy: Hey Lloyd.

Zane Nindroid Master of Ice: Hold on, is this that girl who you spent the night with?

Maxie Stormy: Yea that's me. Hi.

Kai Master of Fire: It's nice to meet you Maxie-or-Max, sorry.

Maxie Stormy: You can call me Max or Maxie. I don't care either way. Most of my friends call me "The Freerunning Dragon".

Jay Master of Lightning: I thought you were a gamer?

Maxie Stormy: I am. Mainly horror games like Five Nights At Freddy's, Wick, The Boogeyman, etc.

Cole Master of Earth: Your a freerunner? That's so cool! I use to rock climb.

Maxie Stormy: +Cole Master of Earth I've never rock climbed before. Is it scary?

Cole Master of Earth:  At first. But once you start climbing on a regular basis it's not that bad.

Lloyd Garmadon is offline

Maxie Stormy: Aww....why'd he leave?

Kai Master of Fire: When we asked him where he was when he stayed with you he told us about you. And we did tease him about being with a new girl. He is the youngest ninja so we like to pick on him. 

Maxie Stormy: Ooooh. Well, don't pick on him to much.

Jay Master of Lightning: Hey I don't mean to change the subject. But what is a freerunner?

Maxie Stormy: 'The central principle of freerunning is that one should express oneself by moving fluidly in one's environment; there are no limitations on the form of this movement.' It's also known as 'parkour'. Basically you jumped and run from building to building or.......even more's like having the acrobatics of Without being a ninja though.

Jay Master of Lighting: That sounds AWESOME!

Cole Master of Earth: I feel like you'd fit right in with us. You want to come over? Hang out?

Maxie Stormy: R-Really? Well.....I'm pretty sure you guys are busy. And....I do have a job as a cook. thinks I do have Saturday off. Maybe then.

Cole Master of Earth: Wonderful. Ya know......I do cook myself. Maybe we can share some recipes?

Maxie Stormy: That's sounds fun. Gotta go, bye!


Kai Master of Fire privately posted:

+Cole Master of Earth dude......what was that? 

Cole Master of Earth: ????

Kai Master of Fire: You know what. That last bit of Jay's post. It seemed like you were flirting with Max. We just met her.

Cole Master of Earth: I wasn't trying to flirt....I was being nice.

Kai Master of Fire: Seemed like flirting to me. Don't tell anybody else.....but......with the way Lloyd reacted when we wanted to meet her I think Lloyd does like her. I think they'd be cute. Don't ruin it.

Cole Master of Earth: I'll keep that a secret but I swear that I wasn't flirting. Besides.........I can flirt if I want. Jay has your sister, Zane has PIXEL, you..........I don't know about Skylor. But.....ya know. I deserve a little love!

Cole Master of Earth is offline.

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