The Masters

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Lloyd Garmadon posted privately:

Hey +Little_Nightfury, are you still recovering after last nights mission?

Little_Nightfury: Mostly but I really don't care about that face plant, everything that happened last night was EPIC!!!!!!

Jay Master of Lightning: And again....sorry about that.....

Little_Nightfury: No, no. Don't be sorry +Jay Master of Lightning. I was having to much fun. Besides, it was an accident.

Hiccup Haddock: Wait.....what happened?

Lloyd Garmadon: We were chasing a group of thieves. Jay tried to block their path by knocking down a tree with his lighting. He misfired and Little's dragon, Toothy, was flying to fast to dodge it. She went flying...

Hiccup Haddock: Oh Thor! +Little_Nightfury did you hit the ground hard? Btw, you seem to be in a happier mood compared to your comment about that new principle.

LIttle_Nightfury: Na, just enough to daze me. And that whole dumb principle, that's why I went on that mission with the ninjas. To take my mind off it. AND I LOVED IT! I know we were just chasing some thieves but still! +Hiccup Haddock you should join in the next one!

Hiccup Haddock: I would I get there? They live in another world.

Little_Nightfury: I have a secret portal hidden deep on my island. Though, if you do come, please keep its location a secret.

Hiccup Haddock: Sure, if I ever get the free time.....

Little_Nightfury: Yay! +Kai Master of Fire, +Jay Master of Lightning, +Cole Master of Earth, +Zane Nindroid Master of Ice, +Nya Master of Water, and +Sensei Wu Hiccup's coming to visit! *gasp* and Toothless! 

Cole Master of Earth: Awesome, can't wait.

Jay Master of Lightning: Awesome

Nya Master of Water: Yay! I can't wait to meet Toothless. He's all Little talks about when she's here.

Zane Nindroid Master of Ice: I will await your arrival. 

Sensei Wu: It would be an honor to meet another master.

Kai Master of Fire: Cool

Little_Nightfury: +Kai Master of Fire ah mean hot.

Hiccup Haddock: lol

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