Your Dead Ronin!

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*WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOUL LANGUAGE DUDED TO RONIN BEING A DICK IN THE NEW NINJAGO SEASON!!!! If you want to watch the new season then you can watch the first two episodes on youtube by a youtuber named CrazyWarriorsOfTheLight.*

(Ronin DealMan joined MultiFandom Media on January 2, 2016 and added eight accounts to his circle)

-MultiFandom Media received an update on January 1, 2016 at 12:23 AM-

Little_Nightfury sent a private post to +Ronin DealMan on January 3, 2016 at 3:45 AM:

+Ronin DealMan! You are a traitorous fuck ass!

Ronin DealMan: Whoa toots! Calm down. What are you so mad about?

Little_Nightfury: You know why!!! The ninja are innocent! You're being tricked you money loving backstabbing bastard!

Ronin DealMan: Ooooh that. Look there are video proof of them committing the crimes. I was doing what was right.

Little_Nightfury: Hey fuck you man! You just help the freaking ninja against Morro! You know they would never do those things! They were framed! I'm coming over there and PROVE YOU FUCKING WRONG!

Ronin DealMan: Why are you so pissed? All I did was capture them. They had to be arrested.

Little_Nightfury: I'm pissed because I know what's really going on (don't ask how). If you ask-and add-Hiccup Haddock how I treat my friends he'll say that I'm like a Night Fury. I'm extremely loyal to any of my friends and will assist/defend them 'til 5 million years after my last breath! Don't try to find me. I am trained as a ninja but I'm not the normal ninja. I'm bringing Toothy and Talonflame for protection so don't get any ideas just because someone promises you money. Speaking of which, you need rehabilitation. You seriously have a deal problem. You'll do anything for anyone if they gingle a bag of money in front of you. After I help the ninja I'm gonna send you to a hospital.

Ronin DealMan: If you end up  as "public enemy number one" with a big reward like the ninja I will try to find you.

Little_Nightfury: breaks a boulder in anger THAT JUST FUCKING PROVES THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!! There's things about me that only Lloyd knows about. Not even Hiccup knows. And I'll use it to my advantage to prove their innocence. "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!" I will be the best dam lawyer in all of Ninjago! 

Ronin Dealman: But your not a lawyer....

Little_Nightfury: It won't matter!

Little_Nightfury is offline.

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