On The Australian Seasons

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How the Australian seasons actually work!

Australia has 5 seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter & FuckYou. FuckYou doesn't have a set date it just happens randomly during the rest of the Seasons.

Are we currently in FuckYou?

A little yes.

We always are...

On "Fall" It's Autumn here

This time of year is so depressing for Australian's on Tumblr.... I don't know about you, but I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND.... Y'all like "I'm gonna wear orange all month long and shove pumpkins up my ass and sleep in a bed of leaves!!" And Australian's are down here like 'a bunch of birds that are probably trying to kill us if we even attempt to go outside and I'm five seconds away from getting heatstroke'.

And Pumpkin Spice Lattes

The Australian's on here are quietly glancing at each other all like 'hmm' who wants to be the one to tell them we have no idea what a pumpkin spice latte is!?

Winter Vs. Australian's

Australian's get so confused during Winter half of the population looks like they have 6 layers on and are ready to hibernate at any given moment the other half is wearing shorts and singlets saying "it's not even that cold mate" every ten seconds.

The best part is that these halves share the same space.

Everyone likes to joke that Australian's are hardcore and can survive anything but watch what happens to us when if the temperature drops below 20 degrees.

I'm fucking freezing mate.

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