19 ~ Yearning and the Yule Ball

Start from the beginning

Vixen could have easily rained on Lidia's parade but decided not to when suddenly Lidia got serious and sympathetic.

"Vixen? Are you all right? You seems as though you have no will to live!"

Vixen jerked her cold eyes to Lidia with confusion as to why she was suddenly being kind. A sympathetic and concerned look was deep in Lidia's eyes as she waited for a response.

"Miss. Blaylock," Vixen softly said, "There is no need to worry so about me."

"Vixen have you been in love? I thought it was forbidden to Venators and Letalis Basiums!"

"It is forbidden and I know and understand that and will obey my family's laws!" snapped Vixen.

"Vixen you don't have to have to be strong all the time! Not everyone is out to get you! I know we have had our disagreements in the past but I honestly feel that it was because we were jealous of one another. Well I am jealous of you! I believe it is time for me to put that aside and actually get to know you! We know more about one another than anyone else in the entire school and country for we have grown up together. Please talk to me Vixen!"

Vixen's glazed eyes looked away when suddenly she felt an even colder feeling in her stomach.

Draco appeared next to her with a goblet of butterbeer which he handed to Vixen. "Good evening Lidia." He calmly greeted.

Lidia's cheeks began to blush as she flirtatiously replied, "Good evening Draco. I see someone has caught your attention here."

What Vixen herd next made that cold feeling even worse.

"My parents insisted I take Vixen so she would have a safe journey back to the manor and so we wouldn't be late. I had every intention of asking you Lidia!"

Lidia's mouth dropped to the ground. "Vixen is going to your manor for the holiday? As in she will be attending the ball?"

Draco nodded as flames reflected in Lidia's eyes. But when she went to look at Vixen she was gone.

While Lidia and Draco were talking Vixen saw Cedric whisper in Cho's ear followed by kiss her cheek and that was all she could take.

She managed to get outside without being noticed and then she began to run into the Forbidden forest. Once deep in the forest she began to slowly walk. Many creatures came out to look upon the intruder but simply by her essence they knew not to cross her for she was very deadly even with tears streaming down her pained porcelain face.

Her breath hung heavy in the cold air as she kept walking in only her gown and heels. Not a coat or any sort of protection lay upon the sad child except the thin silk that covered only her front and legs. She walked until she came to the edge of the lake. No one would follow her through the forest or dare approach her there. The snow began to fall harder and Vixen now felt numb.

She let her finger tips touch the top of the water and trail around her and she began breathing harder and her heart beat like thunder!

She finally collapsed to her knees in the icy water where she clasped her face in her hands as she cried. Her tears were warm and thick as they stung her crystal eyes until she looked at her hands and they were stained red. Her tears were blood! Was this the beginning of purging herself of the pain and becoming heartless like her mother?

A twig snapped behind her and she jerked around to her feet ready to fight. Whoever it was would not be leaving the forest tonight!

Nothing appeared there but Vixen could hear someone breathing. The breaths were short and ragged as if they were struggling to simply breathe. She took a step onto the shore with full attention before a stout fellow with buck teeth came into view carrying something in a dark cape.

The wind blew her way sending both creatures' scents to her which was just enough to identify the strangers.

"Peter Pettigrew and Tom Riddle! What do I owe this visit!" she snapped harshly

The stout fellow hissed at her, "How dare you call the Dark Lord that! You will be punished child!"

He lifted his wand to zap Vixen as she stared at him daring him until a raspy voice interrupted. "I gave no order." hissed the Dark Lord in a ragged voice. "Miss. Venator we meet at last. Let me express what an honor it is to be in your presence and I hope I will see much more of your smiling face."

"Tom Riddle you must be blind in your weak stage for you will never see a smile upon my face you impotent fool."

The Dark Lord let out a chuckle. "I may be blind but I am not deaf or stupid Miss. Venator. You stand there with a broken heart I see and I can help with that!"

"You must first possess a heart to have one broken! Now leave my sight before I make you leave!"

He chuckled again and without hesitation Vixen brought her arm around as though she was throwing something and a ball of ice came flying at Pettigrew and Voldemort sending them flying through the trees. She had enough of this place so she transfigured herself into a peregrine falcon and began to fly to the Malfoy manor where she escorted herself into the room she knew was to be hers for she saw her suit case open in the corner with all her belongings hanging up. She silently took off the icy golden gown and wadded it up and threw it in the corner before getting into her black silk night gown. A fire was blazing and the bed was warm but Vixen quickly changed that by changing the flames to ice and opening the window to let the winter cold fill the room before removing all the blankets except the sheet.

There she lay staring at the ceiling for hours as painful memories waved through her of Cedric. It hurt so much to see him with Cho and a part of her wished that it was her even with the knowing he was doomed to death.

She wanted Cedric and at times admitted that she needed him, however she loved him too much to allow him to succumb to such a horrific fate.

Fate was an unkind mistress to Vixen and she knew her sufferings were far from over.


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