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"Evil lurks every where, you'll see it in church, you'll see it as school. You can't stop evil, you can only stop yourself from comitting evil "

👑Avalon's POV 👑

    I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed. " I can't with this I can't with any of this " I said holding myself against the table.

   " Avalon its going to be okay " reassured Henry. " This is my wedding day. Not only am I going to be judged by all of Harry's people. Edgar I have to be nervous  " I said.

   Edgar began crying and I began crying. " Why are you crying " I said in tears. " You remind me so much of her. Oh innocent Annaleise. I saw how much she hated her wedding day, how she hated it but it was a beautiful day. Harry saved her, he saved her and he was so heart broken to see her go. Then now he is remarrying a women he has, a women who he can keep. A women who loves him as much as he loved her. He is marrying you, and there isn't pain in your eyes. There is happiness " he said crying and hugging me.

I cleaned my eyes from the tears, " I love him dearly. I honestly do. I will do anything to protect him. He is a kind and carrying man who see's me for me." I said. Edgar let go of me and smiled, " You look beautiful. You are glowing " He said and I smiled.

" Thank you Edgar. Can you call Elizabeth I need help with my corset " I said. " I can help you "said Edgar and I turned around. I felt him pull back the dress and I felt as if I got a punch to the stomach. " Jesus, Mary, Joseph. " I exclaimed. " Is that okay ?" said Edgar.

I nodded my head, " Its tight but not to deadly "I said. " Very well now the veil " said Edgar as he put it on top of me. I adjusted it to my head, my hair was long and gracious. The redness it had today made me fear it would taint the white on my dress. I looked at the mirror, I truly was glowing. I was getting married. I was going to marry Harry.

" Avalon are you ready ?" said Elizabeth. " I'm nervous " I admitted. " You'll be fine " said Edgar. I smiled, " Very well. Lets go and have a wedding " I said.
We left the room and got into the carriage. Everyone, and I mean everyone of both Eudora and Aeries were present. I was taking deep breaths every second. Ace eyes widened as he looked at me, " You look beautiful. Your glowing Avalon " he said. " Thank you my kind Prince. " I said. " I will be walking you down the aisle, I hope thats okay " he smiled. I wanted to cry, my son walking me down the aisle. " That would be lovely thank you " I said. Edgar and Elizabeth went in first, I took a deep breath.

'Its okay, its going to be okay Avalon.' I told myself. Ace opened the door and the piano played, the guest gasped, Harry looked at me and slowly I walked.

Harry's face seemed unfazed but slowly the tears fell down his face. Ace let me go to him and I cleaned his tears. " You look like a goddess the romans talked about " he said. I prevented the tears from falling down my face to not ruin my make up. " You are my king " I said.

" Dearly beloved " said the priest. Harry and I both looked at each other, he was beautiful, wearing a golden suit. He was glowing, he is beautiful. Everything that was said, it was silent. Harry's eyes held mine, he smiled happily at me.

" The rings " said the priest as he looked at me. I turned to the little boy behind me and grabbed the ring. " With this ring, I, Avalon Benedict wed thee. I promise to be with you in sickness and in health, in pain and pleasure, till death do us apart " I said and put the ring on Harry.

" With this ring, I, King Harry Edward Styles wed thee. I promise to protect you with all my love, to ensure you are save. To be with you in sickness and in health, till death do us apart " he said and the ring was put on me.

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