Chapter 3- The Fireworks

Start from the beginning

"People made fun of you?" I look up, he looks almost hurt, I had to look away. Why is he caring? He seems like the average player type guy that gets loads of girls all the time. But I know for a fact, that they could careless about someone's past. It's probably just because I have to see him almost everyday.

"Yeah lots, because I always played with the guys, they would say stupid things about me" I say looking back into his eyes not breaking eye contact. It looks like he wanted to say something but was holding back. I want to touch his lips with my finger softly, just to see if they're soft.

Just as he opened his mouth to say something, "Alex! Marcus is stuck upside down!" Chelsea yells making my attention going to the park. I run to see Marcus flipped upside down hanging by his feet.

"Shane help me," I call him but he's already behind me. He holds Marcus while I untangle his feet. The second I get his feet free Shane pretends to drop him which makes my heart drops and causes Marcus to laugh. He sets him back up on his feet, we decide to head back to where everyone is.

We found an open spot on the grass, and set out the blanket, while Shane goes and grabs popcorn and cotton candy and some other snacks.

He gets back with treats, and the kids sit in front of us, laying back on either side on us. I check my phone for the time. It was 7:50.

"Ten minutes," I announce. They both turn around and start giggling. "What?" I ask confused. They just giggling harder. I turned to look at Shane, and he was laughing too. Im not sure why but I start too.

"They're on a sugar rush," Shane said leaning into my ear. His hot breath gave me chills. I just nod because I couldn't speak.

The lady over the intercom announces that the firework show is going to start in five minutes. We were all eating popcorn and cotton candy.

"Aw! Look at the cute couple!" An old lady says like she's excited. I turn around to the old lady with her husband beside her laughing. They were so cute, I turned back to face in front of me. Then I realized how close we were forced together. Our sides, shoulders, legs, feet were touching. Our hands crossed behind us to hold us up. My heart fluttered, I can barely breath. I let out another yawn.

"Tired?" Shane asked looking at me with an unexplainable expression.

"A little," I said leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt sparks run through me multiple times. I noticed he put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Whoa," they both say amazed at the different colours that popped up each time. Shane and I are completely pushed together, no space between us at all. I can barely contain myself from squirming at the feeling.

"That. Was. Amazing." Chelsea said as everyone cheered and clapped at the performance.

"I loved it," Shane said, and I just love how perfect his hair is with his hat.

"Me too" I said laughing as Marcus climbed up on my lap.

"I'll be back I need to go to the washroom," Shane said getting up fixing himself and walking away. Chelsea quickly took his spot he just left open. She snuggled up to me and Marcus left his head on my shoulder as he sat on my lap.

"Did you have fun?" I ask knowing they did.

"Yeah! So much fun" Chelsea says happy. I look to my right and I see a older guy in about his forties, tall, dark haired that was very greasy. He bent down on the side where Marcus was. I pushed him to my other side. The strange man bent down so we made eye contact. He was creepy and looked gross. Marcus put his face in the nape of my neck, obviously frightened.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone with two children?" He said looking at them both. Chelsea tried to hide behind me, I held her hand tight, and I held Marcus' in my other.

"Waiting for someone, please, leave us alone," I said not letting go of the kids, or show how frightened I actually am.

"C'mon baby, let's go have some fun, drop your kids off and we can go have a good time," he slurred.

"No, I'm waiting for someone so please leave," I said with much more force now.

"No! You're coming with me!" He said grabbing and shaking my arm, trying to force me to stand.

"Let go of me!" I screamed.

"Excuse me? Are you touching my girl?" A very strong protective voice came. I knew who's it was, it gave me butterflies. I still held on to the kids tight. Wait did he call me his girl?! Wait why am I worrying about that? I kept repeating to Marcus that it's going to be okay.

"Oh c'mon man, we were just having some fun!" He reassured.

"I don't think so! So how about you leave before I have a problem with you," Shane said stepping in front of me now. Then I remembered our conversation from earlier, that he was a boxer. He could take him any day.

"OK OK, see you later, pretty lady" he winking taunting Shane at his words. His jaw was clenched.

"Let's get going," I said as Chelsea went over and hugged Shane. Marcus still clung to me. I set him down, so Shane could folded the blanket. Marcus was begging to be carried for being so tired. I don't blame him, for a four year old he did a lot of running. I picked him up. I held him with one arm. And Chelsea grabbed my other hand and she held Shane's in her other.

We got to the truck a block away and we buckled everyone in. Marcus was asleep and soon after so was Chelsea. Then there was two.

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