Chapter 2- The First Day

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Chapter 2

Next thing I know I'm at the door knocking. It's five to three, I always like to be early.

"Hello Alex" I see Belle's cute smile greeting me, opening the door.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask politely.

"I'm good" she says walking into the massive kitchen while I quickly follow.

"I have shifts all this week until Friday. Is that alright?" She asks as I stand by the dinning room table.

"Yeah that's perfect" I say, realizing I hear the thump of the bass downstairs, which means he's here.

"Oh thank goodness!" She says relieved. Her smile makes me smile back, she's so happy all the time.

"So if you need anything, you can just call my cell and I'll check it every hour or so," she explains, "if you have any questions you can always ask Shane, he might be just a tad sarcastic like usual."

"Ok sounds good" I reassure, with a little giggle.

"Sorry, but could you make them dinner? I didn't get the chance, there's stuff here to make food," she says gesturing around the beautiful kitchen. The cabinets we're beautiful oak wood. "Marcus! Chelsea!" She yells. The kids come running and stopping in front of me, smiling.

"Behave," Isabelle says sternly.

"Yes mama" they both say sweetly.

"Ok, see you tonight! Oh! And they both go to bed around 8:30" she says kissing them both and then says goodbye.

"Are you guys hungry?" I ask setting my bag down on a chair.

"Not yet," Marcus says innocently, I let out a little giggle by how cute he was. His baby blue eyes almost too big for his face.

"Ok well let me know when you are!" I say smiling at them both. Chelsea is dressed up in a princess dress with a tiara on her head.

"Can we play a game? Like Life?" She asks jumping up and down.

I follow them upstairs, to grab the game.

"Where would you like to play?" I ask unsure.

"Downstairs on the carpet in the living room," Chelsea says handing me the game running back downstairs, Marcus following closely behind her.

"Your turn Marcus!" Chelsea says excited. It's funny because she's winning with the best job as a doctor with a salary of 100,000 dollars.

We finished the game and Chelsea announces that she's hungry. We clean up the game and make our way to the kitchen.

"What would you guys like to have?" I ask scanning the fridge, then the freezer. I notice a frozen pizza.

"What do we have?" Marcus asks with a little giggle.

"Well we could make this pizza, or we cou-" and I was cut off.

"PIZZA! PIZZA! PIZZA!" They both chant.

"Ok pizza it is," I say grabbing it and reading the directions.

"It's going to be ready in 20 minutes!" I said putting it in the oven.

We all watched TV, then I heard the oven beep telling me it was done. I get up and take it out, looking for plates. I jump at a voice I completely forgot about.


"Looking for something?" He asks leaning against the wall that leads to the kitchen from the living room. His voice gives me chills throughout my body. His smirk is plastered on his face like usual.

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