When the World Stops

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Sammi's POV---
I walked into the Orange Room just as I had been every other morning and sat near McGee's desk. Today is supposed to be a big day in Tony's case and if everything goes well, he could be home soon. I miss him so much.....

Uncle Jethro walked in and just as he did Director Vance called him over. They exchanged a few words and looked over at me so, of course, I looked away. After a few minutes Uncle Jethro walked over to Bishop, McGee, and I and said "MTAC, Tony's mobile, the exchange is happening soon." Bishop and McGee stood up to go but I remained for a moment, unsure if I was allowed to go. "You coming?" Uncle Jethro asked and a grin appeared on my face. Once we were in MTAC McGee sat at a computer and pulled up some footage of Tony's car. There were two men inside and we followed it by traffic cam all the way to the building the exchange would be happening in. "Shouldn't back up be there or something?" I asked growing nervous. Ever since that kiss in the elevator things had felt different for me and it seemed like they had for Tony that day too so I was a bit in edge without him being around. "It's just a minor exchange" Bishop explained, "huge for the case, but minor in comparison to what-" Just as she was about to finish we watched the building holding Tony explode from a traffic cam across the street...


I could hear muffled talking in the background, but nothing was processing in my mind. Not a single word.


Uncle Jethro, McGee, and Bishop were all moving but they were moving around me. I stood motionless.

They left.
They were back to doing their jobs.
They went to see Tony.
Tony's body.
To find evidence.
Evidence to convict a killer.
A murdered.
Evidence to prove someone's guilt.
A bomb enthusiast.

I remained frozen in place.
I cried.

They came back with a body.
Tony's body.
It was burnt to a crisp.
They said words but again, I heard nothing. Not a single one.
Ducky began the autopsy.
McGee told me they had to confirm it was Tony. That it could be someone else. Anyone. It could be anyone.
Uncle Jethro made me leave MTAC.
I sat at his desk.
Tony's desk.

Waiting for results.
Waiting for evidence.
Waiting for answers.
Waiting for condolences.
Waiting for a confirmation.
Waiting, for Tony.

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