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Sammi's POV---

Tony texted me immediately that night after the case let out. Turns out the killer had been targeting navy wives who were 'unfaithful' while their husbands were away. He was a total creep. So I'm sitting on the couch with Uncle Jethro sort of catching up on things when I get a text. 'How about that follow up appointment??' I smile at my phone which, of course, doesn't go unnoticed. "Who is it?" Uncle Jethro asks as I type my reply, 'don't you think it's kinda late for dinner???' "Oh," I say looking up at him, "it's no one really." My Uncle Jethro sighs and finally says "Sammi, we need to talk." Uncle Jethro has always been protective, but there is no way I'm letting him keep me from Very Special Agent DiNozzo. "Uncle Jethro, nothing bad is gonna happen ok? He seems like a great guy and-" "He is," Uncle Jethro says cutting me off. "DiNozzo is a great guy and you're old enough to make your own decisions so I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but I don't want to see either of you get hurt. Tony has a habit of breaking heart and, no offense kiddo, but so do you." That wasn't entirely what I expected to hear and after a few seconds of silence I replied with "sounds like we're perfect for each other then." My Uncle Jethro looked me dead in the eye then and said "if you plan on going anywhere with this you need to tell DiNozzo the truth." With that he went upstairs to bed and we didn't speak again until morning.

Tony's POV---

Sammi never texted me back last night about dinner....Must be playing hard to get, I like that. So I spent a little extra time getting ready this morning, but when I got to work I was starting to think it was for nothing. I've been trying to catch her all day but it seems like she's avoiding me and I don't know why. Hard to get is fun, but only to an extent. "Well you look nice today Tony" Biship commented as I fixed my hair in the computer screen. "It's the DiNozzo effect," I said, "we look good everyday. Runs in the family." "What, does DiNozzo, goofing off at work?" Gibbs said as he walked into the big Orange room from behind me. "That too Boss" I said as Biship and I stood up. "Where's McGee?" Gibbs asked as he looked around the room. "Well he was here a second ago boss" I said and then, "I think he went to the lab, I'll go check." I figured Sammi was down there with Abby and that would give me the chance to ask her about dinner again. "Hold it DiNozzo" said Gibbs as I was approaching the elevator. "Dammit" I swore under my breath, but before Gibbs could say another word the elevator opened with McGee and Sammi laughing inside. "Yeah and then...oh, hi boss" McGee said as we all turned to face him. "Sorry uh-I mean Gibbs" said Sammi as she walked toward Gibbs. "We went to go see if Abby had anything and then she spilled some Caf-POW and we had to help her clean it up and on the way back up we realized McGee spilled a little on himself." "McPottyPants" I said as we all drew our attention to the wet spot on his pants, "I thought you said that bladder problem was under control?" "Shut up Tony" McGee said walking to his desk and grabbing a bag, "boss can I-" "hurry up McGee" Gibbs said as McGee ran out of the room. For some reason Sammi never seemed to get into trouble in the boss man's eyes and I couldn't figure that out. Sure she was sweet, but there was something more to it than that. My thoughts were interrupted by Gibbs saying something about a case and Sammi saying "I can drive with Tony." Gibbs looked at me funny and then said "fine, DiNozzo take Sammi and go talk to the family of Petty Officer Ryans. McGee, Biship, you two with me at the scene." I grabbed my gear and saw Gibbs say something to Sammi but couldn't make out what it was so I let it go and said "about time" in a whiny voice as Sammi and I approached the elevator.

Sammi's POV---
I've been avoiding Tony all day and I feel really bad but Uncle Jethro had a point last night. I mean, if anything were to happen between Tony and I it would all be founded on his belief that I'm someone else....I spent a lot of time in the lab with Abby because I felt comfortable there and the only problem with that was that it made me want to tell her the truth! If anyone could help me with this DiNozzo thing I'm sure it's Abby. I was getting ready to tell her when McGee came in with a Caf-POW, that part was true. Anyways, when we went back upstairs Uncle Jethro started talking about some case right away and, since I felt bad for ignoring him, I volunteered to go with Tony. Right before we walked to the elevator together my Uncle Jethro said "if I find out anything is going on between you two-" "I thought you said I was old enough to make my own choices now" I said cutting him off and walking away. I'd definitely be hearing about that later, but right now I didn't care as I got in the elevator with Tony not knowing what would happen.

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