Epilogue - Eternal Loneliness

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It's the end. What'd you think? Good book? Sorry if it was a bit confusing. Well, every book I write helps me improve! I hope that the sequel is a lot better...

Loki walked forward. "What do I do now?" He looked up at the sky, "What do you want me to do now!?" He looked forward, and he shook his head. "Am I just supposed to live, forever?" The idea of living forever. It was painful. Without anyone. "Am I supposed to be forever alone?" He jumped onto the roof of a building, "Why did you leave me here?" He jumped, "Why didn't you take me with you?" He jumped higher, "What are you doing up there huh? Celebrating together!?" He jumped even higher, "WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?" 

They all looked down at Loki sadly. "Why was he left behind?" Percival frowned, "The timing was perfect?" Archon looked at him, "GIVE ME ANSWERS! WHY WAS HE LEFT BEHIND!?" Chaos frowned, "Archon..." His furious eyes turned to Chaos, "YOU DON'T GET TO SAY MY NAME!"

Loki jumped higher, and higher, and higher. He touched the clouds, "Take me with you!" He panted when he hit the ground, "Take me with you!!" Loki fell to the ground, his legs seared with intense pain from the jumping and the landing. He punched the ground, "Why?" He tried to get up to jump again, but his legs gave out from underneath him and he laid on the ground. He laid there as the clouds moved. "I don't understand..."

Blue felt tears come to her eyes. Strange... She didn't think that she would cry here. She thought that there was no more suffering. No more pain. She gripped her heart, "Why does it hurt so much then?" 

Loki clenched his fists, and he just screamed. He screamed until his throat was dry. Then he coughed. And he screamed some more. He kicked his arms and legs like a two year old throwing a tantrum.

Suddenly, Loki jolted up. Was the nightmare over? No, it was going to be a never-ending nightmare. He would never be able to wake up. He was going to be here forever. He'll never see Blue's face again. He'll never argue with Archon again. He'll never joke around with Ray and Aero. He'll never get to tease Bear and Speedy. He'll never get to mess with Star and Genesis. He would never see any of them again. "Why Percival?" He looked at the clouds, "Why did you give me a family just so you'd take them away from me!?" "Wh-" 

"Loki." Loki's eyes widened, and he turned. "Blue?" She smiled, "Loki!" She ran forward and hugged him. "You're alive!" Blue wiped a tear from her eye, "Yes. I'm alive." He jumped up and hugged her close to him, "You're back! You're alive!" He began to laugh and he couldn't stop. "You're here!" He grinned and cheered. "I'm here." Loki hugged her, "I thought I'd never see you again." Blue buried her face in his shoulder, "I don't even understand it." Suddenly, he felt it. He felt like he was touching nothing. As if nothing was there. "No... No. No! No!"

Blue grabbed Percival, "What was that!?" Percival turned away, "That was simply the wisps doing what they live for." Merlin frowned, "Break souls." Blue looked at Loki, "Loki! Can you hear me!?" Archon turned away, "You'll only make it worse." 

Loki turned to the sky, "I can hear you!" "Listen closely!" Tears rolled down Loki's cheeks, "I will." "My blade, that's me okay? And Archon's book, and Star's hammer. That's us, take us with you Loki. Live on. Tell the world about us. Tell the world." Loki nodded, and he smiled his smile. "I hear you Blue. And Archon!" He smiled as he heard his friend's voice, "Yeah?" Loki smiled, "You know anyone that can teach me how to read that book of yours?" Loki felt his lip quiver as he heard Archon let out a sob. "Teach yourself you moron."

Loki walked away from the village, and he was able to smile. Why? That, was something he didn't know. The pain was still inside of him. The gaping hole. What could fill it? He didn't know if anything could. It was quite a big hole. He took another step, and another, and another, and then he got back to walking. "Eternal loneliness." Those words rang in his ears. What would he do now? First off, he was going to tell the world... about the bravery of Percival's Knights. 


Well, that's a story for next time. 

. . .

The kids stared in amazement at the man in the library. "That was a long story." "Are you sure it's real?" The man grinned, "I'm telling you, the story is true." A small girl laughed, "That guy is funny." "That was a sad story though!" The man grinned, "Don't worry, his next story has a much better ending." His friend smiled, "Great story as always! But, don't you think it was a bit deep for the kids?" The man smiled, "You can't just change the story! That's like mixing up history! Then it would be put in the fiction section! Besides, I bet they can understand it." His friend tilted his head, "You sure? That it's not fiction I mean." The man grinned mischievously, "Oh it's real. I would know." He put on his coat and began to walk out of the library, "After all, I got to see it all happen with my own eyes!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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