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Hope you like! The song above is so much more beautiful when it's just the two instruments. This song inspired most of my character's backstories. -Nathon

"Good idea leaving them behind." "Yeah, Star would definitely hate this place. You wanna know how I know?" Blue rolled her eyes, the two of them had been talking the whole time. Which, in a way, helped them fit in better with the crowd. "There they are." Loki looked at an old woman, she was hunched over and using a short wooden cane. Her white hair drooped over her face, and she had a long scar that seemed like a burn mark on her face. "Her? Who's she?"Blue laughed, "That's my sister." Archon looked at the old woman, "Whoa, I guess we forget that our families are all probably all shriveled up like that." "Hey!" They turned to a small girl, that seemed to be around five or six years old. Her blue hair seemed familiar. Blue's eyes widened, "This must be my great grand-niece." "Niece! Wha-" The child's eyes went wide, "Great-grandma!" The girl ran to the old woman, and whispered in her ear. The old woman turned to Blue, "You... You haven't aged!" Blue smiled, "You haven't aged much either!" "No! You know what I mean!" Blue laughed, "A hundred years old huh?" The old woman shook her head, "I guess you made the right choice leaving us then. You don't regret it?" Blue's mouth went into a thin line, "No, I don't." The old woman's brow furrowed, "Then why did you come?" Blue crossed her arms, "I heard... that you've run into some trouble. And I wanted to make sure that my great-grand-niece was okay." The old woman frowned, "You're a knight now Blue! I can tell! What are you doing here?" Blue motioned to the door, "Invite me in?" The old woman shook her head, and suddenly pulled a fisher's hat out of her clothing. Revealing that she was a lot taller then she wanted everyone to think. "Fine..." 

The three walk into the small living space, surprised to see at least thirty people in there. Murmurs spread through the small crowd, "Is that Blue?" 

"Who are those two?" 

"I thought that she had become a knight." 

"She looks exactly the same." Blue's eyes were full of... relief, happiness. She hadn't thought that she would see her older sister. She was afraid that her beauty had really disappeared, but her sister was still as beautiful as before. "Who survived Katrina?" Katrina sat down in her chair, "None of them." Blue's eyes widened, "What?" Katrina smiled, but her eyes were sad, and tears fell from those eyes. "They were all ripped apart right in front of our eyes." Blue frowned, that's why there was no one that she recognized, "They were murdered?" 

Katrina nodded, "You won't believe me if I tell you." Blue laughed, "Try me." 

"Monkeys. Monkeys ripped them apart." Blue clenched her sword tightly and turned, "So this is the trouble your in." Loki smiled, "Those who rip shall be sliced to pieces." Archon laughed, "Monkeys? Man, this is going to be interesting." 

Katrina stared at the three of them in wonder. Blue had really found amazing friends, "Who are you?" Loki smiled, "We're knights." "We're part of Percival's Legacy." Blue turned her head to her sister, "And we're going to avenge my clan." Katrina nodded, the three of them... she could sense their power. Blue's hair was still the beautiful blue that her's once was. The boy with black hair had an energy that she couldn't remember. But she recognized it. And the boy with white hair, his power, she could sense it. And she was afraid. But she was also glad that such powerful people were on their side. "Our clan will be avenged. Thank you." The three walked forward and out of the door, "How we going to find this monkey?" Blue smiled, "We're gonna lure it in with bait. I'm counting on you guys to knock him dead." Loki smiled, "I'll do more than that! I'm gonna slice him into a thousand pieces!"

Blue listened as the monster approached. "Monkey King Mayhem is here for his food!" Blue smiled, "Alright then! First! Appetizers!" The Creature of Chaos rubbed his hands together, the creatures that Chaos had made definitely had a taste for human beings. 

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